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How to preview Changes

Install ruby Install gems Install jekyll


cd cluster-docs
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --config _testconfig.yml

Open up localhost:4000

(Old From scratch) Initial Setup

We used the lanyon theme.

# Install rubygems
pacman -S rubygems
sudo pacman -S ruby base-devel
echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc  # or ~/.zshrc 

#Install poole dependencies
gem install jekyll jekyll-gist jekyll-sitemap jekyll-seo-tag bundler

# Install poole
cd cluster-docs
git clone
rm poole/
rm poole/
mv poole/* .
rm -rf poole/
rm 404.html  # lanyon the next package comes with it.

# Install lanyon theme 
git clone
rm lanyon/
rm lanyon/
mv lanyon/* .
mv lanyon/_includes/* _includes/
mv lanyon/_layouts/* _layouts/
mv lanyon/_posts/* _posts/
rm -rf lanyon/

# install the rest of the gem dependencies
bundle install

jekyll serve