CloudpassageAPI test to user the SDK to gather information and make a report
Using the python SDK we are going to make a report as outlined in the APIExercise request.
We will return info on some of the top issues and accounts.
For now it is a single python file to connect and gather all the info and make the report. Each step has been made it own function for better code reuse.
If you do not or cannot run the docker image you should be able to run the exercise on your own. You must have python3, pip3, and the cloudpassage API installed to work. For debian based distros you can use:
apt-get install python3 pip3
Once that is done you can install the cloudpassage SDK. You can do that using pip
pip3 install cloudpassage
Once that is done you can run the code in the python directory and give it key and secret arguments.
python3 --key=<API KEY> --secret=<API Secret>
This project can also be run via the Docker image for consistency. Once you have the project cloned you can use the following directions to build the and run the Docker image.
Build docker image
docker build docker -f docker/Dockerfile.cloudpassage --rm -t cloudpassage/devel
Start the image
cd docker
docker-compose up --build
Leave that open and open a new command line and go to the same directory you were in
Verify the image is up and running.
docker-compose ps
Now we can connect to that image and run our API exercise
docker exec -it docker_python_1 /usr/bin/python3 --key=<API Key> --secret=<API Secret>
It should then output the report as requested.