3.9.0 (2024-05-17)
add TF_VAR check and conventional commit lint workflows (#663 ) (bf44015 )
Bug Fixes
include the mfa endpoint for WAF detection (0a3baea )
missing runs on property in Github workflow (#647 ) (94b3e2f )
modify the load balancer endpoint so it works with both the pre-app router and the new app router (7a16224 )
notify slack lambda function had missing scripts in package.json (#660 ) (db9f8cd )
Update Notify error handling across lambdas (#651 ) (de189e2 )
wrong job dependency name in Github Workflow (#648 ) (342ecb1 )
Miscellaneous Chores
add permission for ECS task to call legacy submission Lambda function name (#643 ) (66f98b9 )
added description in all package.json files (#649 ) (2b7ea5c )
added test-lambda-code job to Github workflow (#658 ) (87c2939 )
adjust WAF rules (e9a3b8a )
Disable OpsGenie alerting for non-production environment (72fc8cb )
Github workflow deployment script not working as intended (#655 ) (f6d16cf )
sanitize GitHub workflow logs (e7e9537 )
wait for lambdas images to be ready to use before applying Terraform modules (#650 ) (3ca2993 )
Code Refactoring
convert Lambda code from S3 binary object to ECR container image (#626 ) (524d68f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.