Build a Rails application that works like Reddit, allowing users to post news links, vote for them, and comment on them.
- Each story (post) should have a link, an author, a timestamp, and a votes display.
- Posts have many comments, which are displayed on the post's show page.
- The home page should be ordered by the number of votes (most votes at the top, descending).
- Clicking on thumbs-up (or some other icon you choose) on a post should increment a positive vote and then take you to the home page.
- Clicking on the title should take you to the post detail (show) page.
- On the post detail page, the associated comments should be displayed beneath the post.
- A user can sign in and view and manage their own posts.
- A user can post a comment when they are signed in.
- A user can sign out.
- Posts can be viewed by anyone, but only signed-in users can comment or vote.
- Styling should look intentional, but does not have to be elaborate. You can use Bootstrap or Shoelace for styling if you want.
- Deploy this application to Heroku.
If you finish the above, consider implementing any or all of the following:
- A page displaying all the posts that a signed-in user has up-voted
- Support for downvotes as well as upvotes
- Tests for your models
- Any other feature you feel would enhance the user experience