Plugin for rendering chess diagrams in FEN notation inside anki. You should probably use the card model from instead.
Updated from to run on Anki 2.1
Display a record of a chess position in Forsyth–Edwards Notation as a chess board.
The FEN record has to be complete (with active player, castling &c.) and it has to be enclosed in a pair of [fen] [/fen] tags.
This is the way that can be used on AnkiDroid and, apparently by some old Anki1 add-on as well.
Just put [fen]n1rb4/1p3p1p/1p6/1R5K/8/p3p1PN/1PP1R3/N6k w - - 0 0[/fen]
on a card.
Fonts This add-on does the display without any images. When you don’t see the chess pieces you should install a font with them. Maybe one from here or here.
To use a specific chess piece font, use the CSS class chess_board, add a line like .chess_board {font-family: 'my_chess_piece_font';} to your chess note’s styling.