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Wattle is a self-hosted open source project to help your team collect, manage and process your Exceptions, or as we like to call them, Wats

Server Configuration

General application configuration

There are 2 ways of configuring wattle. You can either edit the config/secrets.yml file or set environment variables. Configurations names given in all caps are environment variables. *Do not check secrets.yml into the repository.*

Configuring email

You must specify the following config parameters

SMTP_HOST (or DOKKU_HOST): Specifies the SMTP host to use when trying to deliver email.  defaults to localhost
SMTP_PORT: Specifies to the port to use when connecting to the SMTP_HOST.  defaults to 25.
MAILER_FROM (mailer => :from in secrets.yml): This specifies what the 'from' field of all emails from wattle should contain.
DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS_HOST (default_url_options => :host in secrets.yml): This specifies what the host of links pointing back to your wattle deploy generated in emails should be.
DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS_PORT (default_url_options => :port in secrets.yml): This specifies what port to use in your urls.  Unless you're using a non-standard port there is no need to set this


Wattle uses Puma as it’s webserver. For the most part this is just ready to go, but there is some configuration you can do

PUMA_WORKERS: Number of child puma processes to spawn
MIN_THREADS: Puma dynamically creates/destroys threads for request handling.  What is the minimum number of those you want
MAX_THREADS: Don't make more than these many threads
PORT: Listen for incoming connections on this port
RACK_ENV: what environment are we running in?

Configuring the wat_catcher

Wattle uses wattle to report errors! Configure the wat_catcher as you would in your app:

WATTLE_HOST ('host' in config/wat_catcher.yml): The host that errors should be posted to

To enable Google+ Oauth

You will need to acquire a Google API key to run your local instance. You can get one here:

Create a file in config/secrets.yml, with your Google API key:

  google_key: YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY
  google_secret: YOUR_GOOGLE_SECRET

Or set the environment variables:


To limit emails to be from a particular domain (like, say, your corporate email domain) you can set the

RESTRICT_DOMAIN (restrict_domain in config/secrets.yml)

to everything after the @ in your email addresses.

Client Configuration

How to send Wats from your application

Add the WatCatcher gem to your application which can be found here: