Boxr is a Ruby client library for the Box V2 Content API. Box employees affectionately refer to one another as Boxers, hence the name of this gem.
The purpose of this gem is to provide a clear, efficient, and intentional method of interacting with the Box Content API. As with any SDK that wraps a REST API, it is important to fully understand the Box Content API at the REST endpoint level. You are strongly encouraged to read through the Box documentation located here.
The full RubyDocs for Boxr can be found here. You are also encouraged to rely heavily on the source code found in the lib/boxr directory of this gem, as well as on the integration tests found here.
Boxr follows Semantic Versioning since version 1.5.0
This gem requires Ruby 2.0.0 or higher.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'boxr'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install boxr
If you're going to be using chunked uploads, you will need to add parallel
if you want to upload multiple chunks concurrently (i.e., n_threads > 1
). Add to Gemfile:
gem 'parallel', '~> 1.0'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install parallel --version '~> 1.0'
Super-fast instructions:
- go to
- find or create your Box Content API app for testing
- click 'Edit Application'
- check the boxes for 'Read and write all files and folders' and 'Manage an enterprise'
- click 'Create a developer token'
- copy the token and use it in the code below in place of {BOX_DEVELOPER_TOKEN}
require 'boxr'
items = client.folder_items(Boxr::ROOT)
items.each {|i| puts}
There are a few different ways to create a Boxr client. The simplest is to use a Box Developer Token (you generate these from your Box app's General Information page). They last for 60 minutes and you don't have to go through OAuth2.
client ='yPDWOvnumUFaKIMrNBg6PGJpWXC0oaFW')
# Alternatively, you can set an environment variable called BOX_DEVELOPER_TOKEN to
# the value of your current token. By default, Boxr will look for that.
client = #uses ENV['BOX_DEVELOPER_TOKEN']
The next way is to use an access token retrieved after going through the OAuth2 process. If your application is going to handle refreshing the tokens in a scheduled way (more on this later) then this is the way to go.
client ='v2eAXqhZ28WIEpIWeAJcmyamLLt77icP') #a valid OAuth2 access token
# Boxr will raise an error if this token becomes invalid. It is up to your application to generate
# a new pair of access and refresh tokens in a timely manner.
If you want Boxr to automatically refresh the tokens once the access token becomes invalid you can supply a refresh token, along with your client_id and client_secret, and a block that will get invoked when the refresh occurs.
token_refresh_callback = lambda {|access, refresh, identifier| some_method_that_saves_them(access, refresh)}
client ='zX3UjFwNerOy5PSWc2WI8aJgMHtAjs8T',
refresh_token: 'dvfzfCQoIcRi7r4Yeuar7mZnaghGWexXlX89sBaRy1hS9e5wFroVVOEM6bs0DwPQ',
client_id: 'kplh54vfeagt6jmi4kddg4xdswwvrw8y',
client_secret: 'sOsm9ZZ8L8svwrn9FsdulLQVwDizKueU',
# By default Boxr will look for client_id and client_secret in your environment variables as
# BOX_CLIENT_ID and BOX_CLIENT_SECRET, respectively. You can omit the two optional parameters above
# if those are present.
# You can provide another parameter called as_user. Read about what that means here:
# You can provide yet another parameter called identifier. This can be used, for example, to
# hold the id of the user associated with this Boxr client. When the callback is invoked this value
# will be provided.
Here's the complete method signature to initialize an instance of Boxr::Client
initialize( access_token=ENV['BOX_DEVELOPER_TOKEN'],
refresh_token: nil,
client_id: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_ID'],
client_secret: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'],
enterprise_id: ENV['BOX_ENTERPRISE_ID'],
jwt_private_key: ENV['JWT_PRIVATE_KEY'],
jwt_private_key_password: ENV['JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD'],
jwt_public_key_id: ENV['JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_ID'],
identifier: nil,
as_user: nil,
Before diving into detailed documentation, let's take a look at how to accomplish a simple task with Boxr. This script will find a specific folder given its path, upload a file to that folder, and create an open shared link to that file.
require 'boxr'
client = #using ENV['BOX_DEVELOPER_TOKEN']
folder = client.folder_from_path('/some/directory/structure')
file = client.upload_file('test.txt', folder)
updated_file = client.create_shared_link_for_file(file, access: :open)
puts "Shared Link: #{updated_file.shared_link.url}"
When using HTTP mocking libraries for testing, you may need to set Boxr::BOX_CLIENT to a fresh instance of HTTPClient in your test setup after loading the HTTP mocking library. For example, when using WebMock with RSpec you might could add the following to your RSpec configuration:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) do
#NOTE: these are all module methods
#OAuth methods
Boxr::oauth_url(state, host: "", response_type: "code", scope: nil, folder_id: nil, client_id: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_ID'])
Boxr::get_tokens(code=nil, grant_type: "authorization_code", assertion: nil, scope: nil, username: nil, client_id: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_ID'], client_secret: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'])
Boxr::refresh_tokens(refresh_token, client_id: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_ID'], client_secret: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'])
Boxr::revoke_tokens(token, client_id: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_ID'], client_secret: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'])
#JWT methods
Boxr::get_enterprise_token(private_key: ENV['JWT_PRIVATE_KEY'], private_key_password: ENV['JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD'], public_key_id: ENV['JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_ID'], enterprise_id: ENV['BOX_ENTERPRISE_ID'], client_id: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_ID'], client_secret: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'])
Boxr::get_user_token(user_id, private_key: ENV['JWT_PRIVATE_KEY'], private_key_password: ENV['JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD'], public_key_id: ENV['JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_ID'], client_id: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_ID'], client_secret: ENV['BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'])
folder_from_id(folder_id, fields: [])
alias :folder :folder_from_id
folder_items(folder, fields: [], offset: 0, limit: FOLDER_ITEMS_LIMIT)
root_folder_items(fields: [], offset: 0, limit: FOLDER_ITEMS_LIMIT)
create_folder(name, parent)
update_folder(folder, name: nil, description: nil, parent: nil, shared_link: nil,
folder_upload_email_access: nil, owned_by: nil, sync_state: nil, tags: nil,
can_non_owners_invite: nil, if_match: nil)
move_folder(folder, new_parent, name: nil, if_match: nil)
delete_folder(folder, recursive: false, if_match: nil)
copy_folder(folder, dest_folder, name: nil)
create_shared_link_for_folder(folder, access: nil, unshared_at: nil, can_download: nil, can_preview: nil, password: nil)
trash(fields: [], offset: 0, limit: FOLDER_ITEMS_LIMIT)
trashed_folder(folder, fields: [])
restore_trashed_folder(folder, name: nil, parent: nil)
file_from_id(file_id, fields: [])
alias :file :file_from_id
def embed_url(file, show_download: false, show_annotations: false)
alias :embed_link :embed_url
alias :preview_url :embed_url
alias :preview_link :embed_url
update_file(file, name: nil, description: nil, parent: nil, shared_link: nil, tags: nil, if_match: nil)
lock_file(file, expires_at: nil, is_download_prevented: false, if_match: nil)
unlock_file(file, if_match: nil)
move_file(file, new_parent, name: nil, if_match: nil)
download_file(file, version: nil, follow_redirect: true)
download_url(file, version: nil)
upload_file(path_to_file, parent, content_created_at: nil, content_modified_at: nil,
preflight_check: true, send_content_md5: true)
upload_file_from_io(io, parent, name:, content_created_at: nil, content_modified_at: nil,
preflight_check: true, send_content_md5: true)
delete_file(file, if_match: nil)
upload_new_version_of_file(path_to_file, file, content_modified_at: nil, send_content_md5: true,
preflight_check: true, if_match: nil)
upload_new_version_of_file_from_io(io, file, name: nil, content_modified_at: nil, send_content_md5: true,
preflight_check: true, if_match: nil)
promote_old_version_of_file(file, file_version)
delete_old_version_of_file(file, file_version, if_match: nil)
copy_file(file, parent, name: nil)
thumbnail(file, min_height: nil, min_width: nil, max_height: nil, max_width: nil)
create_shared_link_for_file(file, access: nil, unshared_at: nil, can_download: nil, can_preview: nil, password: nil)
trashed_file(file, fields: [])
restore_trashed_file(file, name: nil, parent: nil)
chunked_upload_create_session_new_file(path_to_file, parent, name: nil)
chunked_upload_create_session_new_file_from_io(io, parent, name)
chunked_upload_create_session_new_version(path_to_file, file, name: nil)
chunked_upload_create_session_new_version_from_io(io, file, name)
chunked_upload_part(path_to_file, session_id, content_range)
chunked_upload_part_from_io(io, session_id, content_range)
chunked_upload_list_parts(session_id, limit: nil, offset: nil)
chunked_upload_commit(path_to_file, session_id, parts, content_created_at: nil, content_modified_at: nil, if_match: nil, if_non_match: nil)
chunked_upload_commit_from_io(io, session_id, parts, content_created_at: nil, content_modified_at: nil, if_match: nil, if_non_match: nil)
chunked_upload_file(path_to_file, parent, name: nil, n_threads: 1, content_created_at: nil, content_modified_at: nil)
chunked_upload_file_from_io(io, parent, name, n_threads: 1, content_created_at: nil, content_modified_at: nil)
chunked_upload_new_version_of_file(path_to_file, file, name: nil, n_threads: 1, content_created_at: nil, content_modified_at: nil)
chunked_upload_new_version_of_file_from_io(io, file, name, n_threads: 1, content_created_at: nil, content_modified_at: nil)
create_web_link(url, parent, name: nil, description: nil)
update_web_link(web_link, url: nil, parent: nil, name: nil, description: nil)
trashed_web_link(web_link, fields: [])
restore_trashed_web_link(web_link, name: nil, parent: nil)
file_comments(file, fields: [], offset: 0, limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT)
add_comment_to_file(file, message: nil, tagged_message: nil)
reply_to_comment(comment, message: nil, tagged_message: nil)
change_comment(comment, message)
comment_from_id(comment_id, fields: [])
alias :comment :comment_from_id
add_collaboration(folder, accessible_by, role, fields: [], notify: nil)
edit_collaboration(collaboration, role: nil, status: nil)
collaboration_from_id(collaboration_id, fields: [], status: nil)
alias :collaboration :collaboration_from_id
user_events(stream_position, stream_type: :all, limit: 800)
enterprise_events(created_after: nil, created_before: nil, stream_position: 0, event_type: nil, limit: 500)
enterprise_events_stream(initial_stream_position, event_type: nil, limit: 500, refresh_period: 300)
shared_item(shared_link, shared_link_password: nil)
search( query=nil, scope: nil, file_extensions: [],
created_at_range_from_date: nil, created_at_range_to_date: nil,
updated_at_range_from_date: nil, updated_at_range_to_date: nil,
size_range_lower_bound_bytes: nil, size_range_upper_bound_bytes: nil,
owner_user_ids: [], ancestor_folder_ids: [], content_types: [], trash_content: nil,
mdfilters: nil, type: nil, limit: 30, offset: 0)
current_user(fields: [])
alias :me :current_user
user_from_id(user_id, fields: [])
alias :user :user_from_id
all_users(filter_term: nil, fields: [], offset: 0, limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT)
create_user(name, login: nil, role: nil, language: nil, is_sync_enabled: nil, job_title: nil,
phone: nil, address: nil, space_amount: nil, tracking_codes: nil,
can_see_managed_users: nil, is_external_collab_restricted: nil, status: nil, timezone: nil,
is_exempt_from_device_limits: nil, is_exempt_from_login_verification: nil,
is_platform_access_only: nil)
update_user(user, notify: nil, enterprise: true, name: nil, role: nil, language: nil, is_sync_enabled: nil,
job_title: nil, phone: nil, address: nil, space_amount: nil, tracking_codes: nil,
can_see_managed_users: nil, status: nil, timezone: nil, is_exempt_from_device_limits: nil,
is_exempt_from_login_verification: nil, is_exempt_from_reset_required: nil, is_external_collab_restricted: nil)
add_email_alias_for_user(user, email)
remove_email_alias_for_user(user, email_alias)
delete_user(user, notify: nil, force: nil)
move_users_folder(user, source_folder = 0, destination_user)
groups(fields: [], offset: 0, limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT)
update_group(group, name)
alias :rename_group :update_group
group_memberships(group, offset: 0, limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT)
group_memberships_for_user(user, offset: 0, limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT)
group_memberships_for_me(offset: 0, limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT)
alias :group_membership :group_membership_from_id
add_user_to_group(user, group, role: nil)
update_group_membership(membership, role)
group_collaborations(group, offset: 0, limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT)
file_tasks(file, fields: [])
create_task(file, action: :review, message: nil, due_at: nil)
alias :task :task_from_id
update_task(task, action: :review, message: nil, due_at: nil)
create_task_assignment(task, assign_to: nil, assign_to_login: nil)
update_task_assignment(task, message: nil, resolution_state: nil)
create_metadata(file, metadata, scope: :global, template: :properties)
create_folder_metadata(folder, metadata, scope, template)
metadata(file, scope: :global, template: :properties)
folder_metadata(folder, scope, template)
update_metadata(file, updates, scope: :global, template: :properties)
update_folder_metadata(folder, updates, scope, template)
delete_metadata(file, scope: :global, template: :properties)
delete_folder_metadata(folder, scope, template)
get_metadata_template_by_name(scope, template_key)
create_metadata_template(display_name, template_key: nil, fields: [], hidden: nil)
delete_metadata_template(scope, template_key)
create_webhook(target_id, target_type, triggers, address)
get_webhooks(marker: nil, limit: nil)
update_webhook(webhook_id, attributes)
# When receiving a webhook, it is advised to verify that it was sent by Box
primary_signature_key: primary_signature_key,
secondary_signature_key: secondary_signature_key
# Requests creation of zip archive
# Returns a download_url and a status_url that can be used to download the archive.
# Example: create_zip_download([{ id: '1', type: 'file' }, { id: '2', type: 'folder' }])
create_zip_download(items, download_file_name: nil)
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