Automatically host an OpenVPN server inside a docker container based on Debian 9.
- Docker
Make sure you have docker installed and accessible from the command line. To test it open a terminal and write
docker -v
otherwise have a look at the Docker installation
- Download the repository.
- Adapt the setup.conf file to your needs.
CA_COUNTRY="DE" (Change it to your country code)
CA_PROVINCE="Germany" (Change it to your country)
CA_CITY="Dortmund" (Change it to your city)
CA_ORG="MyOrg" (Change it to your organization)
CA_MAIL="[email protected]" (Change it to your mail)
VPN_KEYSIZE=2048 (1024:Should only be used for testing to make key generation faster. 2048:Good choice for a proper encryption. 4096:Really strong encryption which takes a long time an generation)
VPN_PROTO=udp (udp:Default choice. tcp:Implemented but not testes. Use lowercase for this option)
VPN_PORT=1194 (The port for your OpenVPN inside the container and your host)
VPN_DNS=DVPNHOST (DNS of your docker host or a static ip)
TLS_MIN_VER=1.2 (Min version of tls for client and server side)
- You can change the other options as well but it is not recommended and tested.
- Make sure you have the execution right for the or give it the rights
chmod +x <USER>:<USER>
- Run
it will guide you through the installation.
I have only tested it on Debain 9 (stretch) but it should not be a problem to run it on other linux distributions as long as you have a working docker installation, the whiptail package and the /den/net/tun device. It is mapped inside the docker container because it is required by OpenVPN.
For an installtion on Winodws you can have a look at this to install the TUN driver and you have to run the docker commands manually.
- Exchange the variables by the values from your setup.conf
- Build the image:
docker build -t $DOCKER_IMG_NAME .
- Run the Container:
docker run -d --name $DOCKER_CONT_NAME --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0 --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun -v ${PWD}/ovpn:/client-configs/files -p $VPN_PORT:$VPN_PORT/$VPN_PROTO $DOCKER_IMG_NAME:latest
- Start/Stop the container:
docker container (start/stop) $DOCKER_CONT_NAME
- Create a client:
docker exec $DOCKER_CONT_NAME ./ -c -n=$USER
- Create a client with a password:
docker exec $DOCKER_CONT_NAME ./ -c -n=$USER -p=$PASSWORD1
- Revoke a client:
docker exec $DOCKER_CONT_NAME ./ -r -n=$USER
- List all clients:
docker exec $DOCKER_CONT_NAME ./ -l