Faker.dart is a dart port of the famous faker.js package for the web and NodeJS
faker.dart is split up into modules, where every module has a bunch of faker methods.
final faker = Faker.instance;
String randomName = faker.name.fullName(); // Rowan Nikolaus
String randomHex = faker.datatype.hexaDecimal(); // 0xF74451AB
faker.dart contains a super useful generator method Faker.fake
for combining faker API methods using a mustache string format.
print(faker.fake("{{name.lastName}}, {{name.firstName}} {{name.suffix}}"));
// outputs: "Marks, Dean Sr."
This will interpolate the format string with the value of methods name.lastName()
, name.firstName()
, and name.suffix()
Module | Methods |
datatype | number, float, datetime, string, uuid, boolean, hexaDecimal, json, list |
name | fullName, firstName, lastName, middleName, findName, jobTitle, gender, prefix, suffix, title, jobDescriptor, jobArea, jobType |
image | image, loremPicsum, lorempixel |
address | zipCode, city, cityPrefix, citySuffix, cityName, streetName, streetSuffix, streetPrefix, streetAddress, secondaryAddress, county, country, countryCode, state, stateAbbr, latitude, longitude, direction, cardinalDirection, ordinalDirection, nearbyGPSCoordinate, timezone |
animal | type, animal, dog, cat, snake, bear, lion, catecean, horse, bird, cow, fish, corocodilia, insect, rabbit |
commerce | color, department, productName, price, productAdjective, productMaterial, product, productDescription |
company | companyName, companySuffix, catchPhrase, bs, catchPhraseAdjective, catchPhraseDescriptor, catchPhraseNoun, bsAdjective, bsBuzz, bsNoun |
database | column, type, collation, engine |
music | genre |
hacker | abbreviation, adjective, noun, verb, ingverb, phrase |
git | branch, commitEntry, commitMessage, commitSha, shortSha |
date | past, future, between, month, weekday |
phoneNumber | phoneNumber, phoneFormat |
lorem | word, sentence, paragraph, text |
internet | url, domainName, domainSuffix, httpMethod, ip, email |
The default language locale is set to English. if your chosen locale doesn't support specific faker data, it will fall back to the English locale.
// sets locale to german
// set the locale to your custom Locale:
final FakerLocale locale = FakerLocale(...);
- az
- ar
- cz
- de
- de_AT
- de_CH
- en
- en_AU
- en_AU_ocker
- en_BORK
- en_CA
- en_GB
- en_IE
- en_IND
- en_US
- en_ZA
- es
- es_MX
- fa
- fi
- fr
- fr_CA
- fr_CH
- ge
- hy
- hr
- id_ID
- it
- ja
- ko
- nb_NO
- ne
- nl
- nl_BE
- pl
- pt_BR
- pt_PT
- ro
- ru
- sk
- sv
- tr
- uk
- vi
- zh_CN
- zh_TW
this package is still in active development. modules are still being added:
- finance
- system
- vehicle
- word
If this package is useful to you please 👍 on pub.dev and ⭐ on Github. If you have any Issues, recommendations or pull requests I'd love to see them!