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Sample project iOS client consuming TMBD RESTful service.

Build instructions

Run pod install and launch MobileDB.xcworkspace


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MVVM was chosen to be the core architecture, adding an extra layer to the traditional MVC, providing a better separation of concerns between constrollers and presentation layers. In addition, MVVM is known for facilitate the use of reactive programming on iOS

Cocoa Pods

  1. RxSwift, RxCocoa

RxCocoa brings an abstraction layer to iOS components and RxSwift adds the ability to use functional and reactive features to Apple plattform.

  1. RxDataSources

RxDataSources provides abstraction for UITableView and UICollectionView usage for instance build dataSource for tableview/collection and item selected, without implementing the usual delegate and datasource delegates.

  1. RxTest, RxBlocking

These libraries help to test RxSwift methods and operator, creating a controlled environment. RxTest providers a layer to test main operators from RxSwift/RxCocoa and RxBlocking helps to deal with async tests.

  1. SwiftLint

Helps to keep track of project standards, delivering a readable, organized and safe code.


  • Support Dark Mode
  • New loading icons
  • Improves animations
  • Move from RxSwift to Combine