This tool is currently a WIP. The aim is to create a front end webapp that a developer can use to analyse the web pages they are creating for issues and performance enhancements.
Currently the app runs from the command line as python
(see installation notes) and will crawl the url provided to the depth provided and generate a set of reports (csv) in the reports directory.
To audit websites, some of which aren't accessible publicly. The audit is for validation, performance and SEO.
There are a few tools out there that do bits of what I am after, but either they cost money, are very slow and also don't do everything that I needed in one place - so I created another tool!
brew install tidy-html5
brew install phantomjs
brew install yarn
setup a virtualenvironment (preferable)
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install gulp
cp settings/ settings/
Then edit to provide valid database name, user, and password settings.
python -u http://localhost:8000
Resume session with depth of 3 links and do performance reviews using YSlow.
python -u http://localhost:8000 -d 3 -s 33a257d4-0664-11e7-9aa7-24a074f076f8 -p
-h, --help show the help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL The URL to start the crawl with. 0 depth (see -d) will crawl only the input URL
-d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH Depth of the search when following internal links
-s SESSION, --session SESSION Resume a previous session by adding the session key
-p, --performance Run performance tools (YSlow). Because the test is slow and resource intensive, this is best done after all other metrics are passing for an audit
-nr, --no-report Prevent the generate of CSVs in the report directory. Ideal if you are using the web app
-nc, --no-crawl Prevent a crawl. Ideal for generating reports based on existing crawls
If the CSVs flag is on then reports will be generated into the reports/
Run python
and visit
See the issues log for enhancements