This script is a google drive apps script, using the GmailApp ( to filter email.
The way I do this is I have a simple set of filters on gmail, most of which end up with the label "unprocessed". Then I apply my own filters using this script.
To use this, take and set it up in Add another script and create a funciton like:
var DEBUG = true;
var DEBUG_FILTER=null;
//var DEBUG_FILTER="name";
function process_unprocessed()
var filters = [
{id: 'from_root', name: 'system/root', from: /root@/, archive: true},
//NOTE: a cron will get root label also as they both will match
{id: 'from_cron', name: 'system/cron', from: /^Cron Daemon <root@/, archive: true},
// Get label from regex
{id: 'code', prefix_name: 'code/', filters: [['to', /commits@foo\.com/], ['subject', /^\[([^:\/\]]+).*\]/]], archive: true},
//Make sure filter 'tickets' wont also label my tickets.
{id: 'my tickets', name: 'tickets/mine', filters: [['from', /tickets@foo\.com/], ['body', /jbrannan|Jonathan/]]},
{id: 'tickets', name: 'tickets/not_mine', filters: [['from', /tickets@foo\.com/]], archive: true}
var post_process = {
archive: {archive: true, removeLabel: "unprocessed"},
not_archive: {inbox: true, removeLabel: "unprocessed"},
var selection = '-in:inbox label:unprocessed';
labeler(filters, post_process, selection);
each element of 'filters' is a hash containing:
- id: string. Used for debugging a filter and logging
- name: string. The label the filter will get. If it does not exist, it will be auto created. sub-labels path seperated. Ex: "foo/bar"
- prefix_name: string. Instead of applying a filter "name" use this and add the first group match of a regex filter
- archive: bool. Move to archive
- markRead: bool. Mark as read
- star: bool Star email.
- to, from, cc, body, subject: regex. Filter on this. If using more than one, and the operations together. If you need more advanced filtering, use 'filters'
- filters: array. each element of the array is an array of 2 elements. first element is to/from/cc/body/subject. Second element is a regex. Conditions are applied in-order. If the first letter of name is a !, it will negate the result.
If instead of a hash, the element is an array, then it's an array of filter hashs. The filters in the array will be tested in-order, and any match will short-circuit the processing.
post_process has 'archive' and 'not_archive' which is a set done after all the messages in a thread have been processed. Here you can:
- addLabel: string label, array of labels, or function returning array of labels
- removeLabel: same as add
- archive: bool: move to archive
- inbox: bool, move to inbox
A few global variables you can set
- DEBUG enables logging
- DEBUG_FILTER, only process one filter with this id
- BATCH_SIZE: amount of emails in every search to apply. I stick with 200.
Once this is setup you will want to goto edit/current projects triggers
Add a new trigger for your function, time based, minutes counter, every minute
NOTE: with a batch of 200 and processing every minute, i find gmail will let me process less than 10k a day before I hit the limit. Any heavy-hitter filters should be done with gmail filtering.