See docs folder for Project Management Exceprts, Software Requirements Specification and Design Specification Documnet
Install mysql-server mysql-client
apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install mysql-server apt-get install mysql-client
//good tools to fiddle with mysql apt-get install mysql-utilities apt-get install mysql-workbench
//mysql-python is needed by the SQLAlchemy. mysql_config cli tool is needed by mysql-python so that it can read the socket location of mysql db connection.
//install mysql-python from pip instead of conda because conda's version does not use the mysql_config
//otherwise you would have to find where the socket is yourself and concatanate it using the: '?unix_socket=/usr/local/mysql5/mysqld.sock' syntax to your connection string.
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
Install NodeJS Following the Docs
!!Make sure to give read write exection rights to the globally installed packages folder.