Charmed Operator for SD-Core's User Plane Function (UPF) for K8s. For more information, read here.
A Kubernetes host with a CPU supporting AVX2 and RDRAND instructions (Intel Haswell, AMD Excavator or equivalent)
A Kubernetes cluster with the Multus addon enabled.
Enable the Multus addon on MicroK8s
sudo microk8s addons repo add community --reference feat/strict-fix-multus
sudo microk8s enable multus
Create a Juju model:
juju add-model user-plane
Deploy the UPF:
juju deploy sdcore-upf-k8s --trust --channel=1.6/edge
If a load balancer such as metallb
is present, the charm will configure an externally accessible
service port with the load balancer upon install of the charm.
- bessd:
- routectl:
- pfcp-agent: