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Template parser backend

Backend service for the CMS template parser

Getting it running

Environment variables

Before starting, update the environment variables if needed. The default values will work for docker, save the GH_TOKEN which must be manually set. You can create a token here, by following these instructions. Make sure to select the repo scope for the token.

You will also require a credentials file for google drive. Please store it as credentials.json in the credentials directory.

Sample Env

JIRA_EMAIL=[email protected]

Important Notes

  • Make sure you have a valid GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY and GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY_ID specified in the .env. The base64 decoder parses these keys and throws error if invalid.

Adding/updating environment variables

If you need to add a new environment variable, or modify an existing one(either name or value), there are a few things to consider:

  • If you are developing locally, add/update the variable only in .env.local or .env file.

  • Make sure you have reflected the change in the sample .env file in the project, as well as in the sample env contents specified in this file, for reference.

Adding new environment variable on production

If the value for this variable is not confidential, you can add it directly to the konf/site.yaml like so:

  - name: JIRA_LABELS
    value: "sites_BAU"

Else if the value is confidential, you need to first create a secret on the kubernetes cluster, and then specify it in the konf/site.yaml. Make sure you have the valid kubeconfig file for the cluster.

  1. Create the secret
$ kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> -n production with key1=supersecret and key2=supsecret

Make sure to replace <secret-name> with the actual name of the secret. For example, cs-canonical-com.

  1. Verify the newly created secret
$ kubectl describe secret <secret-name> -n production

Make sure to replace <secret-name> with the actual name of the secret. For example, cs-canonical-com.

  1. Add the secret ref to konf/site.yaml file.
  - name: <env variable name>
      key: key1
      name: <secret-name>

  - name: <env variable name>
      key: key2
      name: <secret-name>

Make sure to replace <env variable name> with the name of env variables that your application is expecting. For example, JIRA_TOKEN or COPYDOC_TEMPLATE_ID

Also, Make sure to replace <secret-name> with the actual name of the secret. For example, cs-canonical-com.

Update existing environment variable on production

To update an existing environment variable, either name or value

  1. Export the secret into a yaml file
$ kubectl get secret <secret-name> -n production -o yaml > secret.yaml

Make sure to replace <secret-name> with the actual name of the secret. For example, cs-canonical-com.

  1. Open the secret.yaml file and make your changes in the key:value pairs within the data section.

  2. If you are updating the values of the keys, make sure to use base64 encoded values. To get a base64 encoded value, use

$ echo -n "your-value" | base64
  1. Apply the updated secret back to the cluster
$ kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
  1. Re-deploy the deployment that uses this secret
$ kubectl rollout restart deployment <deployment-name> -n production

Use the relevant deployment name, for example, cs-canonical-com.

Additional Notes

If you want to confirm if the deployment is using correct environment variables

  • Find the deployment
$ kubectl get deployments -n production
  • View deployment details
$ kubectl describe deployment <deployment-name> -n production
  • You can also edit the deployment directly to update environment variables.
$ kubectl edit deployment <deployment_name> -n production
  • Verify the update using
$ kubectl get deployments -n production | grep -i <variable_name>

Running with docker

You'll need to install docker and docker-compose.

Once done, run:

$ docker compose up -d

Verify everything went well and the containers are running, run:

$ docker ps -a

If any container was exited due to any reason, view its logs using:

$ docker compose logs {service_name}

Running Locally

Cache and Database

The service depends on having a cache from which generated tree json can be sourced, as well as a postgres database.

You'll need to set up a valkey or redis cache, and expose the port it runs on. If you do not want to use a dedicated cache, a simple filecache has been included as the default. Data is saved to the ./tree-cache/ directory.

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 valkey/valkey

Virtual Environment

Set up a virtual environment to install project dependencies:

$ sudo apt install python3-venv
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate

Then, install the dependencies:

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Then modify the .env file, and change the following to match your valkey and postgres instances. The config below works for dotrun as well.

# .env

and load the variables into the shell environment.

$ source .env

Start the server.

$ flask --app webapp/app run --debug

Running locally, with dotrun

Please note, make sure the containers for postgres and valkey are already running. If not, run:

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 valkey/valkey

You can optionally use dotrun to start the service. When the 1.1.0-rc1 branch is merged, then we can use dotrun without the --release flag.

$ dotrun build && dotrun

Note for using dotrun on mac

Since macs don't support host mode on docker, you'll have to get the valkey and postgres ip addresses manually from the running docker containers, and replace the host values in the .env file before running dotrun

$ docker inspect <valkey-container-id> | grep IPAddress
$ docker inspect <postgres-container-id> | grep IPAddress

Hot module reloading

To ensure hot module reloading, make sure to do the following changes.

  • Add FLASK_ENV=development in .env.local file.
  • Comment out "process.env.NODE_ENV": '"production"' in vite.config.ts file.
  • Run the vite dev server locally, using yarn run dev.

API Requests

Getting the website page structure as a JSON tree

GET /get-tree/site-name (gets the entire tree as json)
GET /get-tree/site-name/branch-name (you can optionally specify the branch)
  "name": "site-name",
  "templates": {
    "children": [
        "children": [
            "children": [],
            "description": "One page",
            "copy_doc_link": null,
            "name": "/blog/article",
            "title": null
        "description": null,
        "copy_doc_link": "",
        "name": "/blog/",
        "title": null
    "description": null,
    "copy_doc_link": "",
    "name": "/",
    "title": null

Making a webpage update request

POST /request-changes
  "due_date": "2022-01-01",
  "reporter_id": 1,
  "webpage_id": 31,
  "type": 1,
  "description": "This is a description"