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RidePilot Tutorials

Xudong Liu edited this page Aug 30, 2018 · 2 revisions

RidePilot Tutorials

Provider setup

Create a new provider

Initial provider setup needs to be done by a system administrator.

  1. Click into the System Admin menu
  2. Click ‘Providers’ link
  3. Click ‘New Provider’ button
  4. Fill in the New Provider form
    • The name field is required, all other fields are optional
  5. Click ‘Save’ button
  6. Fill in the New User form to create your Provider Admin
    • Set permissions to “Provider Admin”
    • Email, first name, last name, and username are required, all other fields are optional
  7. Click ‘Save’ button
  8. Click on the newly created Provider Admin on the Users list
  9. Click ‘Reset Password’ button
  10. Enter and confirm a password for the Provider Admin
  11. Click ‘Update’ button

At this point, provider set up can be taken over by the newly created Provider Admin.

Configure provider

Provider configuration can be done by a Provider Admin

  1. Go to Provider Settings menu
  2. Click ‘General’
  3. Set the provider’s available hours
    • Options available for each day are unavailable, open 24 hours and open from start to end time
  4. Click ‘Update’ button to save
  5. Click ‘Users’
  6. Click ‘Create User’ button
  7. Fill in the New User form to create your Provider Admin
    • Set permissions to “User” for a driver or “Editor” for a dispatcher or “Provider Admin” for any additional provider admins
    • Email, first name, last name, and username are required, all other fields are optional
  8. Click ‘Add a Security Question’
  9. Enter a Question and Answer
  10. Click ‘OK’

This is the minimum of provider configuration needed for the provider to functionally use the software.

Driver setup

Create a new driver

A driver can be created by a user with editor permissions or above.

  1. Go to the Drivers tab
  2. Click ‘New Driver’
  3. Select an associated user
    • If the user has not been created yet, go to Provider Settings and create one. Directions can be found in Configure Provider tutorial
  4. Fill in the remainder of the New Driver form
    • User, phone number, address, city, state and zip code are required. All other fields are optional
  5. Click ‘Save’

Driver availability

A user with edit permissions and above can set what portion of the provider’s operating hours a given driver is available. This will control when a driver can be assigned to a run.

  1. View a driver’s details
  2. Click ‘Show Availability’ button
  3. Expand the Recurring Availability section
  4. Check the ‘All Day’ box for a day
    • This will indicate that the driver is available for the provider’s full operating hours that day
  5. Click the blue ‘+’ button for a particular day
  6. Enter start and end times for the driver’s window of availability
    • Multiple availability periods can be added for a single day, for example to indicate availability, then a break, followed by an additional period of availability
  7. To clear the settings for a given day, click the red ‘X’ button for that day
  8. Expand the daily availability section
    • This section lists dates for the next one to three weeks, depending on provider’s live scheduling window. By default, the availability settings are the set to the settings of the correct day of the week as defined in the Recurring Availability section
    • These settings can be overridden for a particular date. The controls are the same as for Recurring Availability
  9. Expand the Planned Leaves section
  10. Click ‘New’
  11. Enter start and end dates and the reason for the leave
  12. Click ‘Save’
    • The planned leave will be reflected on the Daily Availability panel if it is within the live scheduling window

You can set these availability settings for each driver individually.

Activate/inactivate a driver

Drivers can be set to be temporarily or permanently inactive by a user with editor permissions or above

  1. View a driver’s details
  2. Click ‘Inactivate’ button
  3. Check the box under ‘Permanent Inactive?‘
  4. Click ‘Save’
    • In this state, the driver cannot be assigned to runs and will be hidden from the drivers list unless ‘Include inactive?’ is checked
  5. View the details of the permanently inactive driver
  6. Click ‘Reactivate’ button
    • Driver can now be assigned to runs and will appear in the drivers list
  7. Viewing a driver’s details, click ‘Inactivate’
  8. Enter start and end dates
  9. Click ‘Save’
    • In this state, a driver cannot be assigned to runs within the inactive period. Their inactive dates will be shown on the drivers list
  10. View the details of the temporarily inactive driver
  11. Click the ‘Inactivate’ button again
  12. Click ‘Activate’
  13. Click ‘Save’
    • Driver can now be assigned to runs within their previously inactive period and will be shown as active on the driver’s list

Vehicle setup

Create a new vehicle

A vehicle can be created by users with editor permissions or above

  1. Go to the Vehicles tab
  2. Click ‘New Vehicle’ button
  3. Select Vehicle Type
    • See instructions below for creating a vehicle type
  4. Fill out the remainder of the New Vehicle form
    • Name is required, all other fields are optional
  5. Click ‘Save’

Configure vehicle types

Vehicle types indicate what seating configurations a given vehicle has the capacity to accommodate. Users with provider admin permissions or above can create vehicle types.

  1. Go to Provider Settings menu
  2. Click ‘Vehicles’
  3. Under Configure Vehicle Types, click ‘Provider-specific Vehicle Types’
  4. Click ‘New’
  5. Enter name
  6. Click ‘Save’
  7. Click on the newly created vehicle type
  8. Click ‘New Configuration’
  9. Enter number of each type of seating
  10. Click ‘Save’
    • A vehicle type can have multiple configurations to represent rearrangable seating. Use the ‘New Configuration’ button to add any number of seating configurations

Activate/inactivate a vehicle

Vehicles can be set to be temporarily or permanently inactive by a user with editor permissions or above

  1. View a vehicle’s details
  2. Click ‘Inactivate’ button
  3. Check the box under ‘Permanent Inactive?‘
  4. Click ‘Save’
    • In this state, the vehicle cannot be assigned to runs and will be hidden from the vehicles list unless ‘Include inactive?’ is checked
  5. View the details of the permanently inactive vehicle
  6. Click ‘Reactivate’ button
    • Vehicle can now be assigned to runs and will appear in the drivers list
  7. Viewing a vehicle’s details, click ‘Inactivate’
  8. Enter start and end dates
  9. Click ‘Save’
    • In this state, a vehicle cannot be assigned to runs within the inactive period. Their inactive dates will be shown on the vehicles list
  10. View the details of the temporarily inactive vehicle
  11. Click the ‘Inactivate’ button again
  12. Click ‘Activate’
  13. Click ‘Save’
    • Vehicle can now be assigned to runs within their previously inactive period and will be shown as active on the vehicle’s list

Customer setup

Create a new customer

A new customer can be created by a user with editor permissions or above

  1. Go to Customers tab
  2. Go the Addresses panel and click ‘Add’ button
  3. Fill out the new address form
  4. Click ‘Save’
    • Additional addresses can be created for the customer. They can be selected when creating trips for that customer
  5. Fill out the rest of the New Customer form
    • First Name is required, all other fields are optional
    • See instructions below for filling out Mobility Configuration section

Configuring customer mobility

A customer’s default mobility settings can be specified on their profile. This specifies how many seats a customer and their party will typically take up in a vehicle (e.g. customer in a wheelchair with one attendant, customer using a seat with a service animal that needs space on the floor) and is used in calculating vehicle occupancy. These settings can be changed on a trip by trip basis when creating the trip.

  1. Click on the ‘0’ in the row of the type of seating required by the customer on the Customer column
  2. Enter “1”
    • If this is a group, rather than an individual customer, the number might be more than one
  3. Fill out the appropriate seating type numbers in the Guest, Attendant and Service Animal columns

Activate/inactivate a customer

Customers can be set to be temporarily or permanently inactive by a user with editor permissions or above

  1. View a customer’s details
  2. Click ‘Inactivate’ button
  3. Check the box under ‘Permanent Inactive?‘
  4. Click ‘Save’
    • In this state, trips cannot be created for the customer and they will be hidden from the vehicles list unless ‘Include inactive?’ is checked
  5. View the details of the permanently inactive customer
  6. Click ‘Reactivate’ button
    • Trips can now be created for the customer and they will appear in the drivers list
  7. Viewing a customer’s details, click ‘Inactivate’
  8. Enter start and end dates
  9. Click ‘Save’
    • In this state, trips cannot be created for the customer within the inactive period. Their inactive dates will be shown on the customers list
  10. View the details of the temporarily inactive customer
  11. Click the ‘Inactivate’ button again
  12. Click ‘Activate’
  13. Click ‘Save’
    • Trips can now be created for the customer within their previously inactive period and they will be shown as active on the customer’s list


Create a run

Runs can be created by users with editor permissions and above.

  1. Go to the Dispatch tab
  2. On the panel labeled Runs, click the ‘+’ button
  3. Fill out the New Run form
    • Name, Date, Start Time, End Time and Vehicle are required.
    • Actual Start/End Time and Start/End Odometer will be filled out when the run is in progress
    • A run can be created without a driver, but no trips can be assigned to the run until a driver is added
  4. Click ‘Save’

If you view the dispatch screen again for the correct day, your run will appear. A panel for the run can be opened by clicking on the run name in the Runs panel.

Set run start and end location

By default, the start and end location of the run will be set to the garage address listed on the vehicle details. This can be changed by a user with editor permissions or above.

  1. Go to the Dispatch tab
  2. Click the name of the run you want to change locations for in the Runs panel
  3. On the header of the panel that opens, click the details button
  4. Click the ‘Change Locations’ button
  5. Enter From Garage and To Garage
  6. Click ‘OK’

To note, if a vehicle does not have a default garage address and no addresses have been added, the run won’t be able to be published for use with the CAD/AVL functionality.

Create a new trip

Any user with access to the system (user permissions or above) can create a new trip. Trips can be created unassigned or created directly on a run.

  1. Go to the Dispatch tab
  2. Click on the name of the run for which you want to create a trip
  3. On the panel that opens up, click the ‘+’ button
    • If you want to create a trip now and assign it to a run later, use the ‘+’ button on the Trips panel at the bottom of the dispatch screen
  4. Start typing the customer name into the Customer field
  5. Select the correct customer from the autocomplete
    • You can also use the ‘New’ button to create a new customer
  6. Fill out the rest of the New Trip form
    • Customer, Date, Pickup Time, Pickup Address, Dropoff Address and Trip Purpose are required. All other fields are optional
    • Address fields will allow geocoding of an address or use of a saved customer or provider address
    • Mobility configuration will be automatically filled with the customer’s default mobility details. They can be overridden on this screen and will only affect the trip being created and any return trip created from it. If the customer does not have a default mobility configuration and none is entered here, passengers from this trip will not be considered in occupancy tracking
    • Fare configurations on this screen will override the defaults set by the provider
  7. Click ‘Save’
    • If no driver is assigned to the run, the trip will be created but put in the unscheduled trips panel rather than on the run
  8. Enter Pick Up and Appointment Time for a return trip
    • Pick Up time is required, Appointment Time is not
    • Creation of a return trip is not required. If one is not desired, click ‘No’
  9. Click ‘Yes’ to create there return trip
  10. Make any necessary changes to the return trip form to account for differences from the outbound trip
  11. Click ‘Save’
    • If the run had a driver, the outbound trip will be assigned to the run
    • The return trip will be listed as unscheduled

Trips can also be added or removed from runs at a later date.

Marking a trip as standby

Any user with access to the application can mark a trip as on standby.

  1. Go to the Dispatch screen
  2. Check off a trip in either a run panel or the Trips panel
  3. Open the ‘Assign to’ drop down on the correct panel
  4. Select ‘Standby’
  5. Confirm the status change

Standby trips can be viewed by changing ‘Showing’ on the Trips panel to ‘Standby’

Assign/unassign a trip to a run

Any user with access to the application can assign a trip to a run

  1. Go to the Dispatch tab
  2. Click the name of the run you want to assign to in the Runs panel
  3. Find the trip you want to assign in the Trips panel
    • If the trips are not visible, you may need to expand the panel by hovering over the border and dragging up
  4. Drag the trip onto the run
    • Trips can also be assigned to runs using the ‘Assign to’ drop down
  5. Drag a trip out of the run into the Trips panel
    • If the panel is currently showing unscheduled trips, the trip status will be set to unscheduled. If the panel is currently showing standby trips, the trip status will be set to standby

Trips can also be rearranged within a run by dragging and dropping them into a different order.

Print run manifest

Anyone with access to the application can generate the manifest for a run.

  1. Go to the Reports tab
  2. Select ‘Manifest’ from the New Runs dropdown
  3. Set the dates to encompass the date of the run for which you want to generate the manifest
  4. Select the run name from the Runs dropdown
  5. Click ‘Run’

By default, the manifest will be generated in HTML and displayed in the browser. The manifest can also be downloaded by selecting ‘PDF’ from the Format dropdown.

AVL Tracking

Driver Login

  1. Open the RideAVL application
  2. Enter your driver credentials (username and password set in Ridepilot)

View Today’s Runs

  1. Log into the RideAVL application
  2. The runs assigned to you for the current day will be listed
  3. Each run will be displayed in a box with the following information:
    • Run name
    • Vehicle name
    • Number of trips assigned to the run
    • Status (Not Started, In Progress, Complete)

View Run Manifest

  1. Log into the RideAVL application
  2. The runs assigned to you for the current day will be displayed
  3. Click on the run you wish to view the manifest of
  4. The Run Manifest will display

Start Run

  1. Click on a run on the 'Runs for Today' page
  2. The Manifest page will display
  3. Click 'Pre-run Vehicle Inspection'
  4. Fill out the Pre-run Inspection form:
    • Check the 'Vehicle Inspections'
    • Add any relevant comments in the 'Notes' section
    • Enter the vehicle's current odometer reading
  5. Click 'Start Run'

Finish Runs

After completing the trips assigned to the current run, you will be prompted to enter the current odometer (End Odometer) reading and end the run. Upon ending the run, you will be taken back to the ‘Runs for Today’ page. The ended run will now have a status of ‘Completed’.

Sending an Emergency Alert

Drivers can send an alert to dispatchers from the AVL application.

  1. Log in to the AVL app.
  2. Click the options menu on the top right of the AVL app.
  3. The options menu will display.
  4. Click on ‘Emergency’.
  5. A notification will display saying the alert has been sent.
    • When a dispatcher closes the alert pop-up in Ridepilot, a notification will display in the AVL app stating the alert has been received.

Chat with Dispatcher

Drivers can message dispatchers from the AVL application.

  1. Login to the AVL app.
  2. Click the options menu on the top right of the AVL app.
  3. The options menu will display.
  4. Click on ‘Chat’.
  5. The ‘Chat with dispatcher(s)’ page will open. Messages can to dispatchers can be sent and received here.

CAD Monitoring

Monitoring Runs

  1. Go to the ‘CAD/AVL’ tab.
  2. Under ‘Select Runs to Show:’ check the Run(s) you want to monitor.
  3. Next to each listed Run are three options (from left to right):
    • ‘Show Stops’ – Opens a list of the stops of the Run. Hovering over a stop will highlight the stop on the map.
    • ‘Zoom to’ – Zooms the map into the Run area.
    • ‘Chat with Driver’ – Opens a pop-up window where you can message the driver of the Run.

Map Display Options

There are several display options under the ‘For Selected Runs, Show:’ section of the ‘CAD/AVL’ page. These options will display information about the currently selected Run(s):

  • ‘Upcoming Path’ – shows the expected future path of the vehicle.
  • ‘Prior Path’ – Shows the path the vehicle has already taken.
  • ‘Garage, pickups and dropoff locations’ – Marks the Garage and pickup and dropoff locations on the map.

Map Tooltips

Both the Vehicle and Stop icons on the map can be clicked on to display additional information:

  • Garage Tooltip:
    • Run name.
    • Address.
  • Pickup / Dropoff Tooltip:
    • Customer and Run name.
    • Address.
    • When data was last updated.
    • Scheduled pickup / dropoff time.
    • ETA.
  • Vehicle Tooltip:
    • Run and vehicle name.
    • When the data was last updated.
    • Driver name.
    • Vehicle speed.
    • Vehicle Capacity.
    • Occupancy.

Receiving Emergency Alerts

When a driver sends an Emergency Alert, a pop-up window will display in Ridepilot requesting that you respond. You can close the pop-up by clicking the ‘Got it!’ button. The driver will be alerted when the window is closed and the alert received.

Chat with Drivers

Dispatchers can message drivers from the CAD/AVL page.

  1. Go to the ‘CAD/AVL’ tab.
  2. A list of current Runs will be listed under the ‘Select Runs to Show’ section.
  3. Find the run of the driver you want to message and click the third icon (chat bubble).
  4. A pop-up chat window will display. From here you can send and receive messages with the driver.


This section is only for newly implemented reports in V3.0. All previous reports (V1.0 and V2.0) are listed in 'Previous Reports' dropdown including some old custom reports and a few ad-hoc reports.

Viewing Reports

  1. Go to the 'Reports' tab
  2. Select a report from the 'New Reports' dropdown
  3. Filtering and export options will display based on the type of report:
    • Date Range - Only include data from the chosen date range.
    • Customer, Driver, Vehicle, Runs dropdown - Select a specific customer, driver, vehicle, or run to filter the report by. Dependent on current selected report
    • Format - Format of the exported report (HTML, CSV, PDF)
    • Report Type - Type of exported report (Summary, Detailed)
  4. Click 'Run' to export the report with the selected filters and options
    • If format is set to 'HTML' the report will be displayed in RidePilot

Saving Reports

Reports with specific filter and option settings can be saved.

  1. Go to the 'Reports' tab
  2. Select a report from the dropdown
  3. Select the desired filters and options
  4. Click 'Save'.
  5. A pop-up will display
  6. Fill in the fields:
    • Report Name - enter a name for the report
    • Date Range Type - date range of the report. Select 'Fixed Dates' option to use the dates set in the 'Date Range' filter

NTD Report

The NTD Report includes only trips that are assigned an NTD reportable funding source.

To create an NTD funding source:

  1. Go to the 'System Admin' tab
  2. Click on the 'Lookup Tables' link
  3. Select 'Funding Source' from the dropdown
  4. Click 'Add'
  5. A pop-window will display
  6. Enter a name for the funding source
  7. Click 'OK"
  8. Find the row for the newly created funding source and click the corresponding 'NTD Reportable?' checkbox

Assigning a funding source to a trip:

  1. Go to the ‘Trips’ tab
  2. Click ‘New Trip’
  3. Fill out the necessary fields
  4. Find the ‘Other’ section below ‘Fare Configuration’ and seelect an NTD reportable funding source in the ‘Funding’ dropdown

Advanced: Driver availability forecast

View driver availability forecast

The driver availability forecast can be viewed by any user with editor permissions or above.

  1. Go to the Drivers tab
  2. Click the ‘Availability Forecast’ button
    • Drivers must have their availability filled out to show up on this screen

Driver availability and runs for different days in the provider’s live scheduling window can be viewed by clicking on the dates in the left hand table. If a day is highlighted in red, there are insufficient drivers available for the runs listed.

Assign/unassign drivers from runs

Users with editor permissions or above can assign or unassign drivers from runs via the driver availability forecast screen.

  1. Go to the Drivers tab
  2. Click the ‘Availability Forecast’ button
  3. Click the Assign dropdown next to the driver you want to assign and select the name of the run that you want to assign them to
    • Only runs that fit in that driver’s available hours will show up in the dropdown
  4. Click the Assign dropdown next to a run and select the name of the driver that you want to assign to that run
    • Only drivers available for that run will show up in the dropdown
  5. Click the ‘x’ next to the name of a driver you want to unassign from their run
  6. Click the ‘x’ next to the name of the run from which you want to unassign a driver

Driver’s availability can be edited at any time from the driver’s availability view.

Advanced: Mobility Configuration and Vehicle Tracking

Mobility Requirements and Capacity Types

System Administrators can create and edit Mobility Requirements and Capacity Types from the System Admin page.

To Create, Edit, Delete or Hide a Mobility Requirement

  1. Go to the System Admin tab.
  2. Click on the ‘Lookup Tables’ link.
  3. Select ‘Mobility Requirement’ from the dropdown.
    • Click the ‘Add’ button and enter a value to create a new Mobility Requirement.
  4. Click on an existing Requirement:
    • Click ‘Edit’ to change Requirement’s value.
    • Click ‘Delete’ to delete the Requirement.
    • Click ‘Hide Value’ to not display the Requirement to users.

To Create, Edit, Delete or Hide a Capacity Type

  1. Go to the System Admin tab.
  2. Click on the ‘Lookup Tables’ link.
  3. Select ‘Capacity Type’ from the dropdown.
    • Click the ‘Add’ button and enter a value to create a new Capacity Type.
  4. Click on an existing Type:
    • Click ‘Edit’ to edit Type’s value.
    • Click ‘Delete’ to delete the Type.
    • Click ‘Hide Value’ to not display the Type to users.

Mapping Mobility Types to Capacity Types

Mobility Requirements are mapped to any number of Capacity Types – which determines how much ‘space’ in a vehicle a Requirement needs. The default ‘Wheelchair’ Mobility Requirement, for example, is mapped to ‘TIE-DOWN SPACE’ Capacity Type with a value of ‘1’, meaning a Wheelchair requires a “single” ‘TIE-DOWN SPACE’ space in a vehicle.

To Map a Mobility Type to a Capacity Type

  1. Go to the System Admin tab.
  2. Click on the ‘Mapping Mobility Types to Capacity Types’ link.
  3. A table will display with existing non-hidden Mobility Types listed in the first column. Each existing non-hidden Capacity Type will be displayed as a column header.
  4. Click ‘Edit’.
  5. Make the desired changes and click ‘Save’.

Configure Customer Default Mobility

Customer Mobility Requirements are set when creating a new customer and can be edited at any time from the customer detail page. These requirements will automatically be set for any trips created for the customer.

To Edit a Customer’s Mobility Requirements

  1. Click on the ‘Customers’ tab.
  2. Click on the desired customer.
  3. Scroll down to the ‘Mobility Configuration’ section below ‘Details’.
  4. Make the desired Configuration changes.
  5. Click ‘Save’.

Configure Trip Mobility

  1. Click on the ‘Trips’ Tab
  2. Click the ‘New Trip’ button.
  3. Add a customer under ‘Trip Essentials’.
  4. The ‘Mobility Section’ will be automatically updated with any default requirements the customer may have.
  5. Make any additional changes to the Mobility Configuration
  6. Fill out the remainder of the New Trip form.
  7. Click ‘Save’.

Track Vehicle Occupancy

You can track Vehicle Occupancy from the ‘Dispatch’ page and the ‘CAD/AVL’ page.

Tracking from the ‘Dispatch’ page

  1. Click on the ‘Dispatch’ tab.
  2. Click on the desired run.
  3. Trips assigned to the run will be displayed in a table.
  4. Capacity Type columns will listed after the ETA column in the table (e.g. ‘SEAT’, ‘TIE-DOWN SPACE’). Values in the Capacity Type column represent vehicle occupancy at each pickup / dopoff leg of the Run.

Tracking from the ‘CAD/AVL’ page

  1. Click on the ‘CAD/AVL’ tab.
  2. Select the run you which to monitor.
  3. A vehicle icon will display on the map.
  4. Click on the vehicle icon.
  5. A tooltip will display with ‘Vehicle Capacity’ and current ‘Occupancy’.

Advanced: ETA Calculation and Visualization

Provider Settings

From the ‘Provider Settings’ page you can set the Very Early, Early, Late, and Very Late thresholds as well as the default Passenger Load / Unload times.

To configure ETA settings:

  1. Go to the ‘Provider Settings’ tab
  2. Click on the ‘General’ link
  3. Find the ‘ETA Calculation Related Settings’ section:
    • Passenger load time (min) – value will be factored when calculating ETA
    • Passenger unload time (min) – value will be factored when calculating ETA
    • Threshold (min) to flag as very early arrival – if the ETA is this many or more minutes before the scheduled pickup / drop-off time, it will be considered a very early arrival (marked in dark green on the Dispatch page and AVL)
    • Threshold (min) to flag as early arrival – if the ETA is between the entered value and the value of the very early arrival threshold, the scheduled pickup / drop-off time will be considered an early arrival (marked in light green on the Dispatch page and AVL)
    • Threshold (min) to flag as late arrival – if the ETA is between the entered value and the value of the very late arrival threshold, the scheduled pickup / drop-off time will be considered a late arrival (marked in light green on the Dispatch page and AVL)
    • Threshold (min) to flag as very late arrival – if the ETA is this many or more minutes after the scheduled pickup / drop-off time, it will be considered a very late arrival (dark green on the Dispatch and AVL) Make the desired changes and click ‘Update’.

Customer Settings

Passenger Load and Unload Time can be set per customer on their detail page. By default load and unload time will be the values set in ‘Provider Settings’.

Go to the ‘Customers’ tab

  1. Click on a customer
  2. Click ‘Edit’
  3. Below the ‘Mobility Configuration’ table is the ‘ETA Calculation Related Settings’:
    • Passenger Load Time (min) – value will be factored when calculating ETA
    • Passenger Load Time (min) - value times will be factored when calculating ETA
  4. Make the desired changes and click ‘Update’

Trip Settings

Passenger Load and Unload Time can also be set per trip. By default load and unload time will be the values set in the customer’s detail page.

  1. Go to the ‘Trips’ tab
  2. Click on ‘New Trip’
  3. Under the ‘ETA Calculation Related Settings’:
    • Passenger Load Time (min) - value will be factored when calculating ETA
    • Passenger Load Time (min) – value will be factored when calculating ETA
    • Allow early pickup? – When checked, the customer can be picked up before the scheduled time. Early pickups will be factored when calculating ETA

Advanced: Recurring dispatch

Runs and trips which occur at regularly scheduled intervals can be set up to automatically generate on a recurring basis.

Set provider live scheduling period

Provider live scheduling period is set on a per provider basis and can be set by users with provider admin permissions or above.

  1. Go to the Provider Settings menu
  2. Click ‘General’
  3. Scroll down to the Advance Day Scheduling panel
  4. Select 7, 14 or 21 days from the ‘Days to schedule in advance’ dropdown

Provider live scheduling period represents how far out trips can be booked/recurring trips will automatically generate

Create a recurring run template

A user with editor permissions or above can create a recurring run template.

  1. Go to the Dispatch tab
  2. Click the ‘Recurring Scheduling’ button
    • The recurring dispatch screen looks like the daily dispatch screen, except instead of being able to select a date, you can select a day of the week
  3. Click ‘+’ on the Runs panel
  4. Fill out the New Subscription Run form
    • This form creates a template for generating runs
    • Name, Start Time, End Time, Days of Week and Vehicle are required.
    • If Start/Stop date are not specified, the template will generate runs starting from now indefinitely into the future
    • Like a run, a subscription run template can be created without a driver, but no trips can be assigned to the runs generated from the template until a driver is added
  5. Click ‘Save’

Runs will automatically be generated for the provider’s live scheduling period on the specified days of the week, taking into account the specified repetition settings (e.g. repeat every 1 week, 2 weeks etc.)

Create a recurring trip template

Any user with editor permissions or above can create a recurring trip template. Trips can be created unassigned or created directly on a run.

  1. Go to the Dispatch tab
  2. Click the ‘Recurring Dispatch’ button
  3. On the Trips panel, click the ‘+’ button
    • Recurring trip templates can’t be created directly onto recurring run templates, but they can be assigned to them later
  4. Start typing the customer name into the Customer field
  5. Select the correct customer from the autocomplete
    • You can also use the ‘New’ button to create a new customer
  6. Fill out the rest of the New Trip form
    • Customer, Pickup Time, Pickup Address, Dropoff Address, Trip Purpose and Days of Week are required. All other fields are optional
    • Address fields will allow geocoding of an address or use of a saved customer or provider address
    • Mobility configuration will be automatically filled with the customer’s default mobility details. They can be overridden on this screen and will only affect trips created from this template and any return trips created from them. If the customer does not have a default mobility configuration and none is entered here, passengers from this trip will not be considered in occupancy tracking
  7. Click ‘Save’

The trip template will displayed in the Trips panel and can be assigned to a run template if desired.

Assign/unassign a recurring trip template to a recurring run template

A user with editor credentials or above can assign a recurring trip template to a recurring run template.

  1. Go to the Dispatch tab
  2. Click the ‘Recurring Dispatch’ button
  3. Click the name of the run template you want to assign to in the Runs panel
  4. Find the trip template that you want to assign in the Trips panel
    • If the trips are not visible, you may need to expand the panel by hovering over the border and dragging up
  5. Drag the trip template onto the run template
    • Trip templates can also be assigned to run templates using the ‘Assign to’ drop down
  6. Drag a trip out of the run into the Trips panel
    • The trip template’s status will be changed to unscheduled

Trip templates can also be rearranged within a run template by dragging and dropping them into a different order.

Advanced: Driver compliances

Set up provider specific driver compliances

Some compliances are set on the system level, but providers can create their own specific compliances. This can be done by a user with provider admin credentials or above.

  1. Open the ‘Provider Settings’ menu
  2. Click ‘Drivers’
  3. Click ‘Provider-specific Driver Requirements’
  4. Click ‘Create Driver Requirement’ button
  5. Enter requirement Name
  6. Check off Legal or Recurring if applicable
  7. Click ‘Submit’ button

Requirements can now be assigned to drivers.

Assign driver compliance events

Compliances can be assigned to drivers by users with editor permissions or above.

  1. Go to the Drivers tab
  2. Select a Driver
  3. Click ‘Edit’ button
  4. Under Compliance Events click ‘Add Event’
  5. Select from Type dropdown
    • The options will include any system wide compliance events and any provider specific compliance events
  6. Fill out the remainder of the New Compliance Event form
    • Due Date is required, all other fields are optional
    • Compliance date can either be filled out at time of creation or the event can be edited and the compliance date entered later
    • Relevant documents can be uploaded via the Associated Documents panel
  7. Click ‘Save’ button
    • If the event is marked as recurring, you will get a dialog asking if you want to create a new record. If you select yes, you will be provided with another New Compliance Event form with Type pre-filled.

Legal requirements can be created with the same process as compliance events. If a driver has an overdue compliance requirement, their name will be highlighted in yellow on the Driver and Dispatch tabs. If they have an overdue legal requirement, their name will be highlighted in red.

Advanced: Vehicle compliances

Set up provider specific vehicle compliances

Some compliances are set on the system level, but providers can create their own specific compliances. This can be done by a user with provider admin credentials or above. There are three different types of vehicle compliances.

Set up provider specific vehicle requirements

  1. Open Provider Settings menu
  2. Click ‘Vehicles’
  3. Click ‘Provider-specific Vehicle Requirements’
  4. Click ‘Create Vehicle Requirement’
  5. Enter requirement Name
  6. Check off Legal or Recurring if applicable
  7. Click ‘Submit’ button

Requirements can now be assigned to vehicles.

Set up provider specific maintenance schedules

  1. Open Provider Settings menu
  2. Click ‘Vehicles’
  3. Click ‘Provider-specific Vehicle Maintenance Schedule Types’
  4. Click ‘New’ button
  5. Enter name for the new schedule type
  6. Click on the schedule type that was just created
  7. Click ‘New’ button
  8. Fill out New Schedule form
    • Name and mileage at which the event must occur are required, requirement sheet upload is optional
  9. Click ‘Save’ button

Additional maintenance events can be added to maintenance schedules at a later date.

Set up vehicle warranty types

  1. Open Provider Settings menu
  2. Click ‘Vehicles’
  3. Click ‘Vehicle Warranties Lookup Table”
  4. Click ‘Add’ button
  5. Enter a name for the new warranty type
  6. Click ‘OK’ button

Warranties with this type can now be added to vehicles.

Assign vehicle compliances

Compliance events, maintenance events and warranties can be assigned to vehicles by users with editor permissions or above.

Compliances can be assigned to drivers by users with editor permissions or above.

  1. Go to the Vehicles tab
  2. Select a Vehicle
  3. Click ‘Edit’ button
  4. Under Compliance Events click ‘Add Event’
  5. Select from Type dropdown
    • The options will include any system wide compliance events and any provider specific compliance events
  6. Fill out the remainder of the New Compliance Event form
  • Due Date is required, all other fields are optional
  • Compliance date can either be filled out at time of creation or the event can be edited and the compliance date entered later
  • Relevant documents can be uploaded via the Associated Documents panel
  1. Click ‘Save’ button
    • If the event is marked as recurring, you will get a dialog asking if you want to create a new record. If you select yes, you will be provided with another New Compliance Event form with Type pre-filled.

Legal requirements can be created with the same process as compliance events. If a driver has an overdue compliance requirement, their name will be highlighted in yellow on the Driver and Dispatch tabs. If they have an overdue legal requirement, their name will be highlighted in red.

Assign preventive maintenance events

  1. Go to the Vehicles tab
  2. Select a Vehicle
  3. Click ‘Edit’ button
  4. Under ‘Preventative Maintenance Logs’, select a schedule type from ‘Maintenance Schedule Type’
  5. Click ‘Add Event’
  6. Fill out the New Compliance Event form
    • Options in the Schedule dropdown will be the event types specified for the selected schedule type
    • Name and Due Mileage are required, all other fields are optional
    • Relevant documents can be uploaded via the Associated Documents panel
  7. Click ‘Save’ button

Assign vehicle warranties

  1. Go to the Vehicles tab
  2. Select a Vehicle
  3. Click ‘Edit’ button
  4. Under Vehicle and Equipment Warranties, click ‘Add warranty’ button
  5. Fill out the New Warranty form
    • Description and Expiration date are required, all other fields are optional
    • Relevant documents can be uploaded via the Associated Documents panel
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