An OpenAI Gym environment to conduct reinforcement learning experiments in RCT2 track construction.
Run to train a model. Then run after specifying the model checkpoint path on line 28.
Python library requirements:
- pyobjc-framework-Quartz (for screenshots - Mac only)
- pyzmq
- gym (OpenAI)
- numpy
- dill
- tabulate
- dm_tree
- ray[rllib]
- tensorflow
- tqdm
- matplotlib
- Must use my modified version at
- Building requires installing the ZMQ library ( There may be some issues getting it recognized by the OpenRCT2 build process...
- To run, cd to the OpenRCT2 build directory, then run the command to launch the game (e.g.,
), and start a blank scenario (e.g., one of the two in the scenarios folder from this repo).