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Example usage to build other tools

Dominic Orchard edited this page Dec 3, 2024 · 2 revisions

Example library use: parsing and printing

The following simple Haskell example shows how to import the general parser module, fix the language version to Fortran 90, parse some code into the AST, and then print it to standard output:

module Tmp where

import qualified Language.Fortran.Parser  as F.Parser
import qualified Language.Fortran.Version as F

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B

main :: IO ()
main = do
    v <- askFortranVersion
    let parse = F.Parser.byVer v
    case parse "<no file>" program of
      Left  err -> putStrLn $ "parse error: " <> show err
      Right ast -> print ast

askFortranVersion :: IO F.FortranVersion
askFortranVersion = return F.Fortran90

program :: B.ByteString
program = B.pack $ unlines $
  [ "function area_of_circle(r) result(area)"
  , "    real, parameter :: pi = 3.14"
  , "    real, intent(in) :: r"
  , "    real :: area"
  , "    area = r * r * pi"
  , "end function"
  , ""
  , "program main"
  , "    print *, area_of_circle(1.0)"
  , "end program"

A simple way of testing this example is to install the fortran-src package via cabal (i.e., cabal install fortran-src) to make it available within your environment for GHC.

Example library use: Analysis of balanced ALLOCATE statements

Let's say we wish to write a new Fortran code analysis using fortran-src. Fortran 90 introduced allocatable arrays, which enable declaring and using dynamic arrays in a straightforward manner. Allocatable arrays are declared only with the scalar type and rank, omitting the upper bound:

integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: xs

A newly-declared allocatable begins unallocated. Reading from an unallocated array is an erroneous operation. You must first allocate the array with dimensions:

! allocate memory for an array of 5 integers
! (note that the array is not initialized)

When finished, you must manually deallocate the array.


Arrays must be deallocated before they go out of scope, or else risk leaking memory. As an example use of fortran-src, we show here a simple code pass that asserts this property. Since arrays may be deallocated and re-allocated during their lifetime, we shall track the allocatables currently in scope, and assert that all are unallocated at the end of the program unit. Fortran being highly procedural means it lends itself to monadic program composition, so we first design a monad that supports tracking allocatables. (We use the effectful effect library here, but the details are insignificant). The full code listing is available online.

import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
-- ....
-- Declare an effectful interface for the static analysis
data Analysis :: Effect where
    DeclareVar         :: F.Name -> Analysis m ()

    MakeVarAllocatable :: F.Name -> Analysis m ()
    AllocVar           :: F.Name -> Analysis m ()
    DeallocVar         :: F.Name -> Analysis m ()

    AskVar             :: F.Name -> Analysis m (Maybe VarState)

    -- extra: enable emitting other semi-relevant analysis info
    EmitErr            :: String -> Analysis m a
    EmitWarn           :: String -> String -> Analysis m ()

-- Representation of variable information for the analysis
data VarState
  -- | Declared.
  = VarIsFresh

  -- | Allocatable. Counts number of times allocated.
  | VarIsAllocatable AllocState Int
    deriving stock Show

data AllocState
  = Allocd
  | Unallocd
    deriving stock Show

Now we can design a mini program in this monad by pattern matching on the Fortran AST data types from fortran-src:

-- Analyse statements
analyseStmt :: Analysis :> es => F.Statement a -> Eff es ()
analyseStmt = \case
  -- Emit declarations
  F.StDeclaration _ _ _ attribs decls ->
    traverse_ (declare attribs) (F.aStrip decls)

  -- Emit allocatable names
  F.StAllocatable _ _ decls ->
    traverse_ makeAllocatable (F.aStrip decls)

  -- Emit allocated variables
  F.StAllocate   _ _ _ es _ ->
    traverse_ allocate (F.aStrip es)

  -- Emit deallocated variables
  F.StDeallocate _ _   es _ ->
    traverse_ deallocate (F.aStrip es)

  -- Check usage in any other statements
  st -> analyseStmtAccess st

-- Handle a declaration
    :: Analysis :> es
    => Maybe (F.AList F.Attribute a) -> F.Declarator a -> Eff es ()
declare mAttribs d =
    case F.declaratorVariable d of
      F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable dv) -> do
        declareVar dv
        case mAttribs of
          Nothing      -> pure ()
          Just attribs ->
            if   attribListIncludesAllocatable (F.aStrip attribs)
            then makeVarAllocatable dv
            else pure ()
      _ -> emitWarn "bad declarator form" "ignoring"

-- Handle an allocation expression
allocate :: Analysis :> es => F.Expression a -> Eff es ()
allocate = \case
  F.ExpSubscript _ _ (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable v)) _dims ->
    allocVar v
  _ -> emitWarn "unsupported ALLOCATE form" "ignoring"

-- Handle a deallocation expression
deallocate :: Analysis :> es => F.Expression a -> Eff es ()
deallocate = \case
  F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable v) ->
    deallocVar v
  _ -> emitWarn "unsupported DEALLOCATE form" "ignoring"

We wish to evaluate this mini program to receive a report of the allocatable variables and whether they were properly deallocated. A state monad holding a map of variable names to VarState entries can implement this, and we bolt this on top of IO for easy emission of warnings and errors. The runAnalysis function then handles the effect interface, using the stateful map to store information about our variables, i.e., whether they are allocatable, allocated, deallocated, or neither:

-- 'F.Name' is the type synonym for variable names
type Ctx = Map F.Name VarState

    :: (IOE :> es, State Ctx :> es)
    => Eff (Analysis : es) a
    -> Eff es a
-- e.g. @'AskVar' v@ gets mapped to @'Map.lookup' v ctx@

For the sake of brevity, we include just the code for handling the deallocation operation. To handle deallocations, we look up the deallocated variable in the map and report on various behaviours that would be program errors in the Fortran code: (1) the deallocated variable does not exist; (2) the deallocated variable is not allocatable; (3) the deallocated variable is allocatable but has not been allocated.

Lastly (4) is a non-buggy situation where the deallocated variable is allocatable and is allocated, but is not marked as unallocated.

  DeallocVar v -> do
    st <- State.get
    case Map.lookup v st of
      -- (1) Variable was never declared
      Nothing  -> err "tried to deallocate undeclared var"

      -- ... variable is declared
      Just vst ->

        case vst of
	  -- (2) Variable is not allocatable
          VarIsFresh -> err "tried to deallocate unallocatable var"

	  -- ... variable is allocatable
          VarIsAllocatable vstAllocState vstAllocCount ->

	    -- Check its state
	    case vstAllocState of

	      -- (3) Trying to deallocate unallocated variable
              Unallocd -> err "tried to deallocate unallocated var"

	      -- (4) Deallocating allocated variable
              Allocd -> do
                let vst' = VarIsAllocatable Unallocd vstAllocCount
                State.put $ Map.insert v vst' st

Note, this analysis does not handle control flow operators. Further work may involve tracking allocatable status specially in data flow analyses.