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Media Forensics one-shot protocol, service wrapper, and basic client tools.


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MediaForensics Protocol Buffer and Analytic Service Code

This repository is intended to provide all of the tools necessary to build and test media forensic analytics for use as microservices within a distributed system. Currently the repository contains the analytic wrapper which is used to provide a consistent api for communicating with analytics.

Currently provided are the python libraries and proto files required to develop and wrap analytics in python. Future commits will include client code for testing analytics and support for additional languages.


  • v0.1.0:
    • Setup medifor.v1 package
    • Refactored mediforclient and cli to be included in the medifor.v1 package
    • Added streaming service to analyticservice and streamdetect command to the cli.


  1. Install the medifor library using pip install git+

  2. Wrap your analytic using the analyticservice library. The two easiest ways to do this are:

  • Create a new python script and import the required modules: from medifor.v1 import analytic_pb2, analyticservice as well as your current analytic functions. Create a new function that takes as input a request and response object. E.g.,
def process_image_manip(req, resp):
  # Call your analytic function(s) here

  # Fill out the resp object with the results

  # No return necessary
  • Modify your existing analytic by adding a function which takes as input a request and response as shown above to act as the entrypoint of your function.
  1. In the main section of the script (in either case) create the analytic service, register your function(s), and start the service.
if __name__ == '__main__':
  # You can do one-time start up and initialization tasks here
  svc = AnalyticService()

  1. Test the analytic using the medifor cli:
python -m medifor.v1.cli [args] <command> [file] -o <path to output directory>

Where the command is imgmanip for image manipulation detection or vidmanip for video manipulation detection.

  1. Build an analytic container.

    • Create the Dockerfile in your analytic directory. An example is provided below.
    FROM datamachines/grpc-python:1.15.0
    # Install the medifor library
    RUN pip install git+
    # Additional installation for your analytic
    COPY . /app
    WORKDIR /app
    EXPOSE 50051
    CMD ["python", ""]
    • Build the container (here we are calling our container image example_analytic)
    docker build -t example_analytic .
    • Run the docker container with the port exposed and any file locations mounted. In this example we have mount /tmp/input as /input and /tmp/output as /output in the container.
    docker run -p 50051:50051 -v /tmp/input:/input -v /tmp/output:/output example_analytic
  2. Use the medifor cli to run media through the analytic as shown above.

Developing an Analytic in Python


For the v1 medifor library (used for the DARPA MediFor program), the primary media forensic tasks supported are:

  • Image Manipulation Detection and Localization: The analytic receives an image and provides an indicator score on the interval [0,1], with higher scores indicating that the image is more likely top have been manipulated. Analytics may also provide a grayscale mask of the image where pixel values closer to 0 represent regions that were more likely to have been manipulated, and pixel values closer to 255 represent regions which were less likely to have been manipulated.

  • Video Detection and Localization: The analytic receives a video and provides an indicator score (same as in the image manipulation detection task). The analytic may also attempt to localize detected manipulations either temporally (which frames were manipulated), spatially (where in the frames do the manipulations take place), or both.

The medifor library provides a gRPC wrapper which provides an endpoint for each of these media forensic tasks, and allows analytic developers to register a function to one or more of these endpoints. The following sections will provide a step-by-step guide for developing an analytic using the medifor library.


Clone the medifor repository and run the install script.

$ git clone
$ cd medifor
$ pip install .

This will install the medifor.v1 module, which can be used to build a media forensic analytic.

Analytic API

The medifor api is defined in the protobuf files located at proto/medifor/v1.
Of interest to analytic developers is the analytic.proto file. This file defines the services as well as the request and response objects. To better understand the analytic.proto file we'll walk through the different components of interest in the file.

The analytic services are defined at the bottom of the file.

service Analytic {
  rpc DetectImageManipulation(ImageManipulationRequest) returns (ImageManipulation);
  rpc DetectImageSplice(ImageSpliceRequest) returns (ImageSplice);
  rpc DetectVideoManipulation(VideoManipulationRequest) returns (VideoManipulation);
  rpc DetectImageCameraMatch(ImageCameraMatchRequest) returns (ImageCameraMatch);
  rpc Kill(Empty) returns (Empty);

Of interest to analytic developers are the first four endpoints, which define the endpoints for the media forensic tasks. If a given analytic performs image manipulation detection and localization then it would need to register a function to the DetectImageManipulation endpoint, which takes as input an ImageManipulationRequest and returns an ImageManipulation object. [Note: When implementing your analytic function in python both the request and response will be passed into the function as arguments. Setting fields in the response object is sufficient, and the function need not actually return anything. This is covered further below].

The request and response objects are also defined in the proto file. For example here is the definition of the ImageManipulationRequest object:

// ImageManipulationRequest is used to ask an analytic indicator whether
// a particular image is likely to have been manipulated after capture.
// NextID: 5
message ImageManipulationRequest {
  // A unique ID for each request. Usually a UUID4 is used here.
  string request_id = 1;

  // The image to check for manipulation.
  Resource image = 2;

  // The location on the local file system where output masks and supplemental
  // files should be written. The locations of these must be referenced in the
  // response, or they will be lost. Similarly, any files written outside of
  // this directory are not guaranteed to survive the return trip: this
  // directory is an indicator of what the *caller* is able to pull from (but
  // the path is from the service's perspective), so writing outside of it may
  // render the files inaccessible.
  string out_dir = 3;

  // The high-provenance device ID, if known, of the device that captured the
  // image.
  string hp_device_id = 4;

Each object has a number of fields (which are numbered) with explicit types. Some fields, such as the image field above, have nonstandard types. These types are defined elsewhere in the file. For example the Resource type:

// Resource holds information about, typically, a blob of data. It references this
// data by URI, which might be a file path, for example.
message Resource {
  // The location of the media. For local files, this just looks like a file path.
  string uri = 1;

  // The mime type of this resource (file).
  string type = 2;

  // Free-form notes about this resource.
  string notes = 3;

It's also important to mention enum types such as DetectionStatus


As you would expect, fields of this type can only have one of the values listed in the type definition, and should be set by referencing the enum value, e.g., status = analytic_pb2.DETECTION_STATUS_SUCCESS.

One final note is that all fields have default values. For example, the default value of a float is 0.0, while the default value of a string is "". If a field in the response is left unset, the default value will be returned. For enum fields the default value is the entry with value 0 (i.e. in the DetectionStatus example the default value is DETECTION_STATUS_NONE). This usually won't be impactful to analytic developers, however it may be helpful with debugging, as a default value may mean that a field was not set in the response.

Creating an analytic

The basic steps for creating an analytic are 1) Create a new python script which imports medifor modules. 2) Create a function in that script which accepts as arguments a request protocol buffer and a response protocol buffer. This function will perform the actual medifor task, or more likely, will parse the request protobuf to load the image, call your library functions to perform the analysis, and then update the response protobuf with the results, 3) In the __main__ of your script start an analytic service, perform any necessary initialization steps, register your function from (1), and start the service. The service will listen for a request of the registered type and call your registered function when one is received.

1) Create the Python Script

Create a new python script with the following imports:

import os
import os.path
import sys
import time

from medifor.v1 import analytic_pb2, analyticservice

# additional modules which required to run your algorithm should be imported as well.
# It may be preferable to do all of your actual analysis in library functions and import those
# For the purposes of this example we will do that (as shown below)

from foo import detect_img_manip

The most significant import is from medifor.v1 import analytic_pb2, analyticservice.
The analyticservice module allows you to register your function(s) and start a service, while analytic_pb2 allows you to work with protobuf objects. The other modules are not strictly required but will be helpful in most analytics. The final import, as explained in the comment, is there to provide an example of an analytic which imports from a library of media forensics functions. This is also not a requirement but is meant to provide an example for developers who have media forensic analytics written and merely wish to wrap them using the medifor library.

2) Create the Function to Register

Create a function which has two input arguments, the request object and the response object. The primary purpose of this function is to parse the request object and set the fields in the response object.The response object contains the image uri, metadata, and the output directory (which is used to by the analytic to save mask files). The most important fields in the response object are the score and localization fields, however the opt_out field can also be used to indicate that a given image/video was not processed at all by the analytic. This is usually done in cases where an analytic works on a specific subset of image/video types and should not be used to ignore errors. Errors are handled by the wrapper and a full stack trace will be returned in the response.
Allowing these errors to be returned can often simplify the debugging process.

An example function might look something like this:

def process_image_manip(req, resp):

  with PIL.Image.Open(req.image.uri) as img:
    score, mask, mask_filename = detect_img_manip(req.image.uri)
    resp.score = score
    mask_filename = os.path.join(req.out_dir, mask_filename)
    resp.localization.mask.uri = mask_filename
    resp.localization.mask.type = 'image/png'

In this instance the function is only used to load the image using the uri provided in the request and pass that image to the function imported from the analytic developer's module. The score, mask image, and a filename for the mask are returned and then used to fill out the response object in the function defined above. It is worth noting that the output directory provided in the request (req.out_dir) is used to provide a path when writing the mask. This is important when mounting shared storage to the container and can help mitigate the risk of mask name conflicts.

3) Register the Function and Run the Service

Lastly, in the __main__ portion of the script you will need to create an analytic service, register your function with the appropriate endpoint, and then start the service. Example:

if __name__ == '__main__':
  # You can do one-time start up and initialization tasks here
  svc = AnalyticService()


Example Analytic

Combining the three steps above when creating our analytic yields the following:

import os
import os.path
import sys
import time

from medifor.v1 import analytic_pb2, analyticservice

# additional modules which required to run your algorithm should be imported as well.
# It may be preferable to do all of your actual analysis in library functions and import those
# For the purposes of this example we will do that (as shown below)

from foo import detect_img_manip

def process_image_manip(req, resp):

  with PIL.Image.Open(req.image.uri) as img:
    score, mask, mask_filename = detect_img_manip(req.image.uri)
    resp.score = score
    mask_filename = os.path.join(req.out_dir, mask_filename)
    resp.localization.mask.uri = mask_filename
    resp.localization.mask.type = 'image/png'

if __name__ == '__main__':
  # You can do one-time start up and initialization tasks here
  svc = AnalyticService()


A very short and simple script. Now you can of course choose to include more of the actual analysis in this script or create and register additional functions, but hopefully this illustrates how quickly and easily an analytic can be wrapped using the medifor library.

Using the MediFor Client

A client library and CLI have been provided for communicating with media forensic analytics.

The medifor client cli can be used to run or test media forensic analytics. It currently has four commands:

  1. imgmanip - Used to run the analytic over a single image
  2. vidmanip - Used to run the analytic over a single video
  3. detectbatch - Used to run the analytic over every image/video in a specified directory.
  4. streamdetect - Used to run the analytic over a single image or video which is streamed to the analytic. NOTE: The analyticservice library handles the streaming of input and output files and input/output files are written to temporary directories in the analytic container. As a result analytics wrapped using the analyticservice library (v1.0.0 or higher) can be run using the streamdetect command.

Usage for the cli:

$ python -m medifor.v1.cli [flags] <command> [options]

Each of command has its own set of flags and arguments in addition to the global flags provided to the client. The global flags include the host and port of the analytic as well as flags for path translation for mapping image/video uri and output directories from the client perspective to the analytic container perspective. The client defaults to not using any path translation and looking for the analytic at localhost:50051. For more information use:

$ python -m medifor.v1.cli --help

The imgmanip and vidmanip commands operate in the same manner and take the media file uri as a postitional argument and the output directory as a required flag. Example usage:

$ python medifor.v1.cli imgmanip /path/to/image.jpg -o /output

The detectbatch command has two required flags, the input directory and the output directory. The input directory is the path to the folder containing the media files. The input directory should contain only image or media files, and currently the client will not traverse any subdirectories. The output directory is used as the parent directory for the output folders for each file. Each request is given a UUID before being sent to the analytic. This UUID is used to name the output folder (which is a subdirectory for the output directory provided. The UUID is also used as the key for the results which are output as JSON. Example usage:

$ python medifor.v1.cli detectbatch -d /path/to/image_folder/ -o /output

The streamdetectcommand has 3 required flags: --probe: The image or video to be streamed to the analytic. --container_out: The output directory path for writing files in the container. --local_out: The output directory path on the client machine. Used to write mask and other output files that are streamed back to the client from the analytic container.

The library can be used to incorporate client calls into your own code. To use the client library import the mediforclient class:

from medifor.v1 import mediforclient

The medifor class takes as arguments the host and port of the analytic (defaulted to localhost:50051) as well as source and target paths for mapping the paths of input and output locations between the client file system and the container. For example, if the folder /tmp/input/media is mounted in the container as /input, and /tmp/output/ as /output, then you would instantiate the class as

client = MediforClient(host=host, port=port, src="/tmp/input/media", targ="/input", osrc="/tmp/output", otarg="/output")

where host and port are the host and port of the analytic container to communicate with.

The client can be used to send requests for image and video manipulation detection, as well as batch detection, which creates requests for all media files in a directory. Each of these functions provide media uri to the analytic and require that the analytic have access to the media location. There is also a stream_detection function which can be used to stream the contents of a media file to the analytic. Both the stream detection and batch detection functions use the mimetype library to identify the media type from the file extension. The MediforClient class can also be used as a superclass to your own client class if you with to add additional capabilities.

Building an Analytic Container

This is meant to provide instruction and a simple example for those unfamiliar with docker and how to incorporate the medifor library. To create a docker container for your analytic you will need to create a Dockerfile and install the medifor library. For convenience, Data Machines has provided abase image, but it is not required. Using a different image may require additional modifications to the Dockerfile. An example Dockerfile is provided below.

FROM datamachines/grpc-python:1.15.0

# Install the medifor library
RUN pip install git+

# Additional installation for your analytic
COPY . /app


EXPOSE 50051

CMD ["python", ""]

Build and tag the container (In the below example we are calling our container image example_analytic and tagging it v1):

docker build -t example_analytic:v1 .

Run the docker container with the port exposed and any file locations mounted. To expose the port add the -p followed by the port mapping <container-port>:<host-port>. In order for the analytic to read files from the host filesystem the relevant directories need to be mounted inside the container. This can be done by passing the -v flag with the path mapping with the format -v host_path:container_path. If you are not able to mount the media files inside the container, the streaming option may still be used to to communicate with the analytic. To run out previous example, use the command:

docker run -p 50051:50051 -v /tmp/input:/input -v /tmp/output:/output example_analytic


Media Forensics one-shot protocol, service wrapper, and basic client tools.







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  • Python 95.2%
  • MATLAB 2.7%
  • Shell 1.5%
  • Other 0.6%