A minimal and simple desktop homepage, startpage and/or new tab page. It is not made for or tested on mobile devices.
- Basic clock and date in ISO 8601 format.
- DuckDuckGo search
- Personalised greetings
- Custom link shortcuts
- Toggle light and dark mode
- Disable uneeded/unused features
- Keyboard shortcuts for links
stores the user's name and links:
- The name is only used for the personalised greeting
const userName = "John Smith";
- Enable\Disable features
//0b | Theme | Clock | Date | Greeting | Search | Links
const feats = 0b000000; // set bit to 1 to disable
// 0b111000 to disable theme, clock and date
- Theme management
// Directory themeLight and themeDark is stored
const themeDir = "styles/themes/";
// .css is appended to the end for both themeLight & themeDark
const themeLight = "gruvbox-light";
const themeDark = "gruvbox-dark";
- Set up link shortcuts, columns, rows and color codes for each link.
const linksGroups = [[
"header": "Row1Col1", // column header
"links": [
"name": "Link1",
"url": "https://www.link1.com/",
"color": "012345", // hex color codes, # not needed
"shortKey": "q" // manually bound keys
"name": "Link2",
"url": "https://link2.com/",
"color": "6789AB"
"shortKey": "Q" // captial chars (Shift+Q)
"header": "Row1Col2",
"links": [
"name": "Link3",
"url": "https://link3.com",
"color": "CDEF01"
"shortKey": "" // prevent key from being bound automatically
], // new row
"header": "Row2Col1",
"links": [
"name": "Link4",
"url": "https://link4.com/",
"color": "234567B0" // With transparency
// Key for this link will be automatically bound
- Localisation configuration
const localeStrings = [
"Good morning", // 05:00-11:59 greeting
"Good afternoon", // 12:00-17:59 greeting
"Good evening", // 18:00-23:59 greeting
"Good night", // 00:00-04:59 greeting
", ", // Greeting and name separator
"DuckDuckGo...", // Search box placeholder
"Home", // Page title
- Configure allowed keys for auto key shortcuts
// Case sensitive accepts capital letters
const autoBindKeys = "1234567890qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;\'zxcvbnm,.QWERTYUIOOPASDFGHJKL:\"ZXCVBNM<>?";
Gruvbox colour palette - MIT/X11
Open Sans font - Apache License, Version 2.0