Erlbison is an Erlang library to work with BSON files. Its discerning feature is its attempt to do as much work as possible at the binary level, without translating the data to native Erlang data structure unless when absolutely necessary, in order to maximize performance.
Erlbison exposes five functions:
Foo = bson:load("filename.bson").
loads the BSON, validates that it has proper BSON format, and binds Foo to the resulting binary.
Bar = bson:validate(Foo).
returns the atom true
or false
depending if binary Foo has proper BSON format.
Baz = bson:parse(Foo).
returns a native Erlang proplist with the parsed content of BSON binary Foo.
Bing = bson:filter(Foo, [Key1, ..., KeyN]).
returns a subset of FOO (a proper BSON binary) that contains strictly the elements identified by
the keys contained in the list in the second argument of bson:filter/2
Foo = bson:search(Foo, [{Key1, Comparator1}, ..., {KeyN, ComparatorN}]).
where ComparatorX are either values or higher order functions. In the later case, Comparator case MUST have an arity of one and returns a boolean (i.e. either the atom true or false). bson:search/2 then returns the BSON Foo if and only if it contains all the key-value pairs and satisfies all the comparators functions listed in its second argument.
Comprehensive Eunit tests can be run by running these commands from the root folder of Erlbison's repository*:
erlbison $ erl -pa src/ -pa test/
> eunit:test(bson).
* If for some reason the test/test.bson file is lost, it can be reconstructed by running
erlbison $ python test/
- More thorough testing, especially with JSCODEWS type