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KiVim a plugin combination for Vim. It means 'my kiwi' in Turkish. These plugins were put together for Python Development.
Importent: This project has not finished yet.
Plugin Manager
This has not activated yet. Just check these plugins before me.
Color Theme
Folder Navigator
Syntax Checker
Ladies and Gentlemen this is Syntastic. This plugin checks your code for PEP8 compatibility. If you want to change this to another language, check this out. syntastic
Class Browser
Status Bar
Auto Completion
This plugin brings Vim to autocomplete Python statements. If you're not use KiVim for Python Development, use another autocompletion plugin instead of this. jedi-vim
On GNU/Linux
Run install.sh
If you don't have pip, install it. Package name is python-pip almost all distro.
For Syntastic install flake8
$ pip install --user flake8
This will install flake8 to ~.local/ . We decided to install packages to home which are not from our distro's repo. But you can install it globally yourself with this.
# pip install flake8
If you want to use tagbar plugin, you must install exuberant-ctags.
I have no idea how to install this on other Operating systems.