DL4J comes with RL4J. But the code is very dense java-esq production code that is hard for beginners to examine. On top of that, python and tensorflow have been a moving target both migrating to 3.* and 2.* respectively since RL4J release
So I made a gym server fork and this repo to try some RL myself.
Easy cartpole experiments with no optimization
- Vanilla Policy gradient
- Actor Critic
reinforcement learning summaries
Q Learning is a broad category of learning algos that return the value of the state or the state action Conceptually easier. Less likely to find local maxima. easily used in deterministic and discrete action environments. Deep Q network DQN, Double Deep Q networks DDQN etc
On Policy algos return the best action without the concept of vlaue or reward. Requires hand crafted reward function. often combined with q network to overcome local maxima. Easier implementation of stochastic and continuous return values can lead to better exploration vanilla policy, actor critic, A2C, TRPO/PPO
Model based