This app helps you to take notes. You can pin notes, move them to archive or move to trash. It is a simple application to make you life easy. 😺
- Simple UI ⚡
- Mobile responsive 📱
- Images can be added to each note by clicking on small img icon below on the note (png | jpg | jpeg) 🖼️
- Modal added to view images after the note is created 🔭
- Usedebouncer hook used to save notes automatically 💾
- Colors can be added to each notes 🍭
- Notes can be archived 🫙
- Notes can be added to trash 🗑️
- Made using typescript 🏃
- React - Frontend Framework
- Vite - Frontend Development Tool
- Redux - State Management
- React-Icons - State Management
- SASS - Css Preprocessor
- UUIDV4 - To Generate Unique ID's
- Vercel - For Deployment
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.