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Vim plugin for developing vim script.


Vim Omni Completion

although vim has its own completion (C-x C-v), but it''s leak of something

vim omni supports:

* builtin command name completion.
* builtin function name completion.
* runtime command completion.
* runtime function name completion.
* g:,s:.. scope completion.
* option name completion.
* autocommand event name completion
* feature name completion.
* &option


copy ftplugin/vim/omni.vim to your ~/.vim/ftplugin/vim/omni.vim Dependencies see addon-info.json

vim-addon-manager plugin will install all dependencies for you automatically. vim-addon- can be found on tlib is easy to find.


function name: cal

command name: com!

var name: let g:

autocmd event: autocmd

option name: set

feature name: if has(


GOTO function

vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor remaps gf. By typing gf on a function Vim will attempt to jump to its definition. This implementation is not using tags - so its always up to date.


If you dislike camel case matching see vim-addon-ocmpletion how to override the default

recommended additional plugins

You may find reload useful which reloads syntax and .vim files. You still want to restart Vim to get rid of old definititions etc.

How to debug VimL ?

use :debug a-command then (c)ontinue (r)eturn (n)ext (s)tep .. if you get stackt traces of dict functions you can find the hints about the declaration by :function {77} or such.

output var contents:

echoe string(x)  
echo x

messages will redisplay everything printed by echoe

or the like

How to debug all calls of a function F?


fun F()
  " do something


fun F(...)
  debug return call(function('F2'), a:000)

fun F2()
  " do something

then you can use viml debugger:

(c)ontinue, (s)tep, (n)ext

and of course you can just type any viml code such as echo to debug vars

And of course you can always vim -V20/tmp/log to see all VimL lines being executed.

Also see :h breaka etc

If you get error messages suchas 23.34.23 line 3 This mean that the methods 23 34 23 are memebers of dictionaries. You can view the code by :function{23} (TODO: Add this to VimLGotoLastError)

If you get traces VimLGotoLastError tries to find the location where the error happened adding the error message. It often works - but not aways

How to debug syntax scripts ?

Note: echo lines are ignored by Vim. However you can run an indentation function manually and read them:

fun MyIndent(lnum) echo 'debug ..' return 1 endfun

Then you can debug indentation of current line .. :echo MyIndent(line('.')) ^ here you can use debug etc.

Howto write a good Vim plugin ?

Hard question. There are different styles. I like the following:

  • Don't start from scratch if you can also join an existing project. So do some research or ask on #vim

  • Try reusing code. vim-addon-manager allows to install dependencies easily.

  • Consider using a VCS (eg git) so that other devs can join and help you more easily (or continue your project if you lost interest).

  • put code which is not run on every startup into autoload/ files Thus the plugin/ files ideally only contain the setup and user interface.

  • If you need configurations try binding a global dict the user can set in its .vimrc to a short buffer local var. Set settings if they have not been set by the user. An example can be seen in autoload/vim_dev_plugin.vim which allows the user to overwrite vim_scan_func in his .vimrc in this way: let g:vim_dev = { 'vim_scan_func' : ... }

  • If you want to let the user set configurations but provide defaults first put all your setup code into an autoload function setting up defaults. Example:

    plugin/foo.vim: call foo_setup#Setup()

    autoload/foo_setup.vim: let s:did_setup = 0 fun! foo_setup#Setup() " do this once only: if s:did_setup | return | endif let s:did_setup = 1

    setup mappings etc


    Then user or other plugins can patch anywhere (.vimrc, au commands):

    call foo_setup#Setup() " do the patching


A Vim plugin for developing VimL.






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Contributors 3
