A simple tool to create and edit mesh gradients. Mesh gradients are drawn with the wonderful implementation by @sinasamaki
Built as a Compose Desktop app, with the JetBrains Jewel UI standalone toolkit.
🔮 This README was mostly generated with Cursor.
- Create smooth mesh gradients with customizable control points
- Adjustable grid dimensions (2-10 rows/columns)
- Color palette management
- Precise control point positioning
- Edge point constraints
- Interactive gradient preview
- Dark theme UI using Jewel components
- Export code for gradient
- Export gradient as image
- Ability to change canvas size and background color
- Allow changing resolution of gradient
- Save/load gradient configurations
- Multiple gradient presets
- Gradient animating fun
- Undo/redo functionality
- Kotlin - Primary programming language
- Compose Multiplatform - UI framework for desktop
- Jewel UI (standalone) - JetBrains design system components
- Kotlinpoet - Code generation for gradient export
- Clone the repository
- Run the desktop application:
./gradlew :composeApp:run
Or use the provided run configuration in .run/desktopApp.run.xml
- Double-click the canvas to toggle control points visibility
- Drag control points to adjust gradient mesh
- Add colors using the color picker in the side panel
- Adjust grid using the Rows/Cols inputs
- Toggle constraints to lock edge points
- Export points points as a list of
Pair<Offset, Color>
objects to use in @sinasamaki's Modifier recipe - Export as an image at 1x, 2x, or 3x scale
Colors can be added to the palette using hex values. The application supports:
- Adding new colors
- Removing colors (minimum 1 color required)
- Selecting colors for control points via dropdown
The project follows a basic Compose Multiplatform structure, generated from the Kotlin Multiplatform wizard from JetBrains:
├── src/
│ ├── commonMain/ # Shared code
│ │ └── kotlin/
│ └── desktopMain/ # Desktop-specific code
│ └── kotlin/
└── build.gradle.kts # Desktop module configuration