- Project: https://github.com/c4s4/cheeseshop
- Downloads: https://github.com/c4s4/cheeseshop/releases
CheeseShop is a Python package repository. This is a local version of the well-known http://pypi.python.org. This is useful for enterprise users that need to share private Python libraries among developers.
To tell PIP where is your private CheeseShop, you must edit you ~/.pip/pip.conf file:
index-url = http://my.shop.host/simple
trusted-host = my.shop.host
Where my.shop.host is the hostname of the machine running CheeseShop. PIP will call your CheeseShop to get packages. If CheeseShop doesn't host this package it will redirect PIP to standard Pypi.
To tell setup.py where to upload your package, you must edit file ~/.pypirc:
index-servers =
username: ***
password: ***
username: spam
password: foo
repository: http://my.shop.host/simple/
setup.py will call your CheeseShop if you name it on command line:
$ python setup.py sdist upload -r cheeseshop
Where -r cheeseshop
is the option that indicates the connection you want to use. There must be a corresponding entry in your ~/.pypirc configuration file. Don't forget to add cheeseshop in the index-server list at the beginning of the file.
CheeseShop is able to run on HTTP and/or HTTPS and performs basic authentication if necessary.
Download binary archive at https://github.com/c4s4/cheeseshop/releases, unzip it and copy the binary executable for your platform (named cheeseshop-system-platform in the bin directory) somewhere in your PATH and rename it cheeseshop. This executable doesn't need any dependency or virtual machine to run.
There are binaries for following platforms:
- Linux 386, amd64 and arm.
- FreeBSD 386, amd64 and arm.
- NetBSD 386, amd64 and arm.
- OpenBSD 386 and amd64.
- Darwin (MacOSX) 386 and amd64.
- Windows 386 and amd64.
To run CheeseShop, type on command line:
$ cheeseshop
It will look for a configuration file at following locations:
- ~/.cheeseshop.yml
- /etc/cheeseshop.yml
You may also pass the path to the configuration file on the command line:
$ cheeseshop /path/to/cheeseshop.yml
The configuration file should look like this:
# The root directory for packages
root: /home/cheeseshop
# Path to the server certificate
cert: /etc/ssl/certs/cheeseshop-cert.pem
# Path to the server key
key: /etc/ssl/private/cheeseshop-key.pem
# The HTTP port CheeseShop is listening
http: 80
# The HTTPS port CheeseShop is listening
https: 443
# The URL path
path: simple
# Redirection when not found
shop: pypi.python.org/simple
# Tells if we can overwrite an existing package
overwrite: false
# List of users and their MD5 hashed password
# To get MD5 sum for password foo, type 'echo -n foo | md5sum'
# To disable auth when uploading packages, set auth to ~
spam: acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8
eggs: 37b51d194a7513e45b56f6524f2d51f2
There is a sample configuration in file etc/cheeseshop.yml of the archive.
The root directory is where live the Python packages. Under this root there is a directory for each package. Files for versions of this package are in these subdirectories. Thus, if our repository hosts packages spam (in versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0) and eggs (in versions 1.0.0 and 1.0.1) we would have following directory structure :
$ tree
├── spam
│ ├── spam-1.0.0.tar.gz
│ └── spam-1.1.0.tar.gz
└── eggs
├── eggs-1.0.0.tar.gz
└── eggs-1.0.1.tar.gz
You must create this directory and ensure that user running the server has a right to write in this directory.
It is highly advised to backup this directory.
This is the path to the CheeseShop private key. To generate such a key, you might type:
$ openssl genrsa -out cheeseshop-key.pem 2048
This will generate a file cheeseshop-key.pem that you should copy in directory /etc/ssl/private, which is the standard place.
This is only necessary when running HTTPS server. If you run only HTTP, you may set this value to ~.
This is the path to the CheeseShop certificate. To generate a self signed certificate, you can type:
$ openssl req -new -x509 -key cheeseshop-key.pem -out cheeseshop-cert.pem -days 3650
This command will ask you many fields, but the only that is necessary is the FQDN which is the hostname of the machine that is running CheeseShop. A file named cheeseshop-cert.pem will be generated; you should copy this file in directory /etc/ssl/certs, which is the standard place.
Note that if you have a certificate generated by a Certification Authority, you might not have to add a trusted-host in your PIP configuration. But I have such certificate and was unable to test it.
This the port number that HTTP server will listen for incoming connections. Set it to 0 to disable HTTP (and run only on HTTPS). Note that it is not a good idea to perform basic authentication on HTTP, as anybody that intercepts HTTP requests might know you username and password. Standard port for HTTP is 80 but the server must run as root to be able to listen on this port. If you don't run the server as root, you must listen on a port number greater than 1024.
This is the port number that HTTPS server is listening. Set it to 0 to disable HTTPS. If HTTPS is enabled, you must provide private key and certificate (in key and cert configuration fields). Standard port for HTTPS is 443 but the server must run as root to be able to listen on this port. If you don't run the server as root, you must listen on a port number greater than 1024.
This is the URL path that the server will listen. Default value is simple, thus to list all packages, you should open URL http://my.shop.host/simple. To list available version for package spam, you would open URL http://my.shop.host/simple/spam. To download version 1.2.3 of this package, you would open http://my.shop.host/simple/spam/spam-1.2.3.tar.gz. This value should not be changed.
This is the URL of the public package repository without protocol (http or https), such as pypi.python.org/simple. This should not be changed.
Tells if we can overwrite an existing package while uploading (with setup.py upload
). If set to false (the default value), you must upload the package manually on the server to amend a release (which is not advisable), and an attempt will result in a status code 400. If set to true, it is possible to overwrite a package.
This is the basic authentication configuration. If you don't want authentication, set this value to ~. This is a list of usernames and MD5 hash of their password. To get the MD5 hash of a given password, you can type following command:
$ echo -n foo | md5sum
acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8 -
Note that if you modify this configuration, you must restart server, because this configuration is loaded at startup.
To install CheeseShop as a System V service, edit sample init script in etc/cheeseshop.init file. You should edit SCRIPT variable to set the path to the cheeseshop command. Then copy this file as /etc/init.d/cheeseshop.
You must also edit configuration file etc/cheeseshop.yml to set the repository location in the root variable. Copy this file in /etc/cheeseshop.yml location.
You can then start the service with:
$ sudo service cheeseshop start
And stop it with:
$ sudo service cheeseshop stop
You can view the logs in /var/log/cheeseshop.log file.
To start the service at boot, you should type:
$ sudo update-rc.d cheeseshop defaults
And to disable start at boot:
$ sudo update-rc.d -f cheeseshop remove
To build CheeseShop, you must install Goyaml and GOX with following commands:
$ go get gopkg.in/yaml.v2
$ go get github.com/mitchellh/gox
$ gox -build-toolchain
Then you can use the makefile to build the binary version for your platform:
$ make build
To build binaries for all platforms, type:
$ make compile