successor of
enable = true, -- enable neotags.lua
ctags = {
run = true, -- run ctags
directory = vim.env.HOME .. '/.vim_tags' -- default directory where to store tags
verbose = false -- verbose ctags output
binary = 'ctags', -- ctags binary
args = { -- ctags arguments
ft_conv = { -- ctags filetypes to vim filetype
['c++'] = 'cpp',
['moonscript'] = 'moon',
['c#'] = 'cs'
ft_map = { -- combine tags from multiple languages (for example header files in c/cpp)
cpp = { 'cpp', 'c' },
c = { 'c', 'cpp' }
hl = {
minlen = 3, -- dont include tags shorter than this
patternlength = 2048, -- max syntax length when splitting it into chunks
prefix = [[\C\<]], -- default syntax prefix
suffix = [[\>]] -- default syntax suffix
tools = {
find = nil, -- tool to find files (defaults to running ctags with -R)
-- find = { -- example using fd
-- binary = 'fd',
-- args = { '-t', 'f', '-H', '--full-path' },
-- },
ignore = { -- filetypes to ignore
notin = { -- where not to include highlights
neotags.language('filetype', require'path/to/filetype')
example using C language
return {
order = 'guesmfdtv', -- string with ctags kinds
kinds = {
g = {
group = 'neotags_EnumTypeTag', -- highlight
prefix = [[\%(enum\s\+\)\@5<=]] -- override default prefix
minlen = 2, -- dont include tags shorter than this
t = {
group = 'neotags_TypeTag',
suffix = [[\>\%(\.\|->\)\@!]] -- override default suffix
v = {
group = 'neotags_GlobalVarTag'