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c0d-0x's Arch Linux i3 Dotfiles

Welcome to my Arch Linux i3 configuration repository! This repo contains all the dotfiles I use to configure my lightweight and efficient Arch Linux environment with the i3 window manager.


This repository contains dotfiles for setting up a fully functional, minimal, and fast Arch Linux environment with the i3 window manager. It includes configurations for i3, polybar, rofi, and other tools to streamline workflows and enhance the desktop experience.

Installation To get started with these dotfiles, follow the instructions below:

# Clone the Repository
git clone
cd archlinux_i3_dotfiles

Install the Dotfiles on a fresh minimal arch-install

cp setup
./ #This setup should only be ran within the scripts dir
# This scripts run multiple scripts to setup your minamal install by
#installing i3 and  all of it's dependencies. 

Copy Dotfiles on a existing setup

Backup Your Existing Dotfiles

It's a good practice to back up your existing dotfiles before overwriting them:

mkdir ~/dotfiles_backup
mv ~/.config/i3 ~/.config/polybar ~/.config/rofi ~/dotfiles_backup/
cp -r dotfiles/i3 dotfiles/polybar dotfiles/rofi dotfiles/i3lock ~/.config/
Reload i3

After installation, reload i3 using:


#This will load the new configuration without needing to log out.


  • i3 Window Manager: A highly customizable, tiling window manager.
  • Polybar: A sleek status bar with system information, workspaces, and more.
  • Rofi: A powerful application launcher and window switcher.
  • Picom: A lightweight compositor for transparency and window effects.
  • Custom Keybindings: Optimized shortcuts for efficient workflows.
  • Theming: A minimalist aesthetic with custom colors, fonts, and icons.
  • Color: colors are base on wallpaper store in ~/pictures/wallpapers. These colors are generate using pywal.


Make sure to install the following packages on your Arch Linux system:

  • i3: sudo pacman -S i3-wm
  • thunar: sudo pacman -S thunar thunar-archive-plugin (a file manager)
  • Polybar: sudo pacman -S polybar
  • Rofi: sudo pacman -S rofi
  • Picom: yay -S picom-git
  • Feh: sudo pacman -S feh (for setting wallpapers)
  • Dunst: sudo pacman -S dunst (for notifications)
  • kitty: sudo pacman -S kitty (terminal emulator)
  • yay: Install yay with the Commands below. Learn more...
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

# Install brightnessct, python-pywal and python-pywalfox for Firefox pywal themes brightness controls
yay -S brightnessctl python-pywal python-pywalfox xdg-user-dirs xdg-utils xorg-xrdb
# IMPORTANT for i3 polywal colours: xorg-xrdb


Here are a few screenshots of my Arch Linux i3 setup: RICE IMG

Desktop with Polybar and Thunar: GTK theme: Abyss-DEEP and icons: BeautySolar RICE IMG

Firefox pywal-fox theme: You'll need to install the pywalfox plugin for firefox. here RICE IMG


Feel free to modify the following files to suit your preferences:

  • i3 configuration: ~/.config/i3/config
  • Polybar: ~/.config/polybar/config
  • Rofi: ~/.config/rofi/config.rasi
  • Picom: ~/.config/picom/picom.conf
  • kitty: ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf


Below is a list of keybindings used in this i3 configuration. The SUPER key is the Windows key.

Key Combination Action
SUPER+Return Launch kitty terminal.
SUPER+q Kill the focused window.
SUPER+d Launch rofi application launcher.
SUPER+k/h/j/l Change focus (up/left/down/right).
SUPER+Up/Down/Left/Right Change focus using arrow keys.
SUPER+Shift+k/h/j/l Move focused window (up/left/down/right).
SUPER+Shift+Up/Down/Left/Right Move focused window using arrow keys.
SUPER+b Split in horizontal orientation.
SUPER+v Split in vertical orientation.
SUPER+f Toggle fullscreen mode.
SUPER+e Toggle split layout.
SUPER+s Change layout to tabbed.
SUPER+Shift+space Toggle floating mode.
SUPER+space Toggle focus between tiling/floating.
SUPER+a Focus the parent container.
SUPER+1...0 Switch to workspace 1–10.
SUPER+Shift+1...0 Move container to workspace 1–10.
SUPER+Shift+c Reload i3 configuration.
SUPER+Shift+r Restart i3.
SUPER+Shift+e Exit i3 (with confirmation prompt).

Resize Mode Keybindings

Key Combination Action
SUPER+r Enter resize mode.
h/j/k/l Resize (shrink/grow width/height).
Left/Down/Up/Right Resize using arrow keys.
Return/Escape/SUPER+r Exit resize mode.

Multimedia and System Keybindings

Key Combination Action
XF86AudioMute Mute audio.
XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease audio volume by 5%.
XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase audio volume by 5%.
XF86AudioMicMute Toggle microphone mute.
XF86MonBrightnessUp Increase screen brightness by 5%.
XF86MonBrightnessDown Decrease screen brightness by 5%.
Print Take a screenshot of a selected area.

Custom Keybindings

Key Combination Action
SUPER+t Launch thunar file manager.
SUPER+x Move window to the scratchpad.
SUPER+Shift+X Show scratchpad window.
SUPER+Tab Switch to the next workspace.
SUPER+Shift+Tab Switch to the previous workspace.
SUPER+Shift+F Launch firefox.
SUPER+p Quit polybar.
SUPER+Ctrl+L Lock the screen.
SUPER+w Change wallpaper.
SUPER+Ctrl+P Launch power menu.
SUPER+c Open clipboard manager (rofi).


If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Contributions are always welcome!


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Dotfiles for my Arch Linux Secrete Saanctuary!!!







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