This repository hosts all versions of the HMM profile database used by the de novo organelle genome assembly tool Oatk and scripts for building these databases. The database files are inputs of HMMER for organelle sequence annotation. The initial version database (v20230210) was constructed using the pipeline described in fppa and fpma. The scripts hosted in this repo aim to provide a more automated and user-friendly toolset for database construction.
Download the source code from this repo or with git clone
The tools are Shell scripts with some auxiliary Python scripts. You need a system supporting Shell/Bash script to run the tool. You also need Python installed. The major dependency of the Python scripts is Biopython.
Other dependencies include:
These tools must be available in the system path, i.e., add them to the $PATH
environmental variable. The program will check the availabilities of the dependencies before doing any actual work.
This is the major tool for building a database. It takes two positional parameters: the NCBI taxonomy ID of the species and the organelle type (mitochondria or chloroplast). Here is how it works: (1) download all sequences in GenBank format from the NCBI database given the user-specified NCBI taxonomy and the organelle type; (2) parse the GenBank files of the source reference sequences to find core genes including protein-coding, rRNA and tRNA (mainly by the frequency seen in the source sequences) and extract corresponding sequences; (3) sequence clean to remove outlier/error-prone sequences considering sequence length, content, and divergence; (4) sequence multiple alignment, and finally (5) profile HMM construction.
It is worth noting that the whole pipeline is quite computationally intensive, especially the multiple alignment step, so it is critical to give as many CPUs as possible. This is controlled by the -j
and -t
options. Also, the tool can resume a failed run (--resume
option), for which the intermediate/temporary files are needed, so it is highly recommended to keep them during the run (i.e., run the tool WITHOUT the --clean
option). The intermediate files also contain many useful information. The temporary folder is also a mandatory input for mancdb
(see below).
Here is the full list of the options, which can be shown with the command oatkdb -h
Program: oatkdb (build gene HMM profile database for an NCBI taxonomy)
Version: 1.0
Usage: oatkdb [options] ${taxid} [mitochondrion|chloroplast]
-j|--jobs INT Number of parallel jobs to run (default 4).
-t|--threads INT Number of threads to use for each parallel job (default 2).
-p|--protein Use protein instead of nucleotide sequence alignment for coding genes.
-c|--codon INT NCBI genetic code table for translation (default 1).
-T|--tmpdir STR Temp file directory (default auto).
-f|--force Overwrite existing files.
-a|--alias STR Gene name alias file.
-o|--output STR Output HMM profile database file name prefix (default auto).
--max-ref INT Maximum number of NCBI reference sequences to download (default INF).
--min-seq INT Minimum number of sequences to keep a gene (default 5).
--max-seq INT Maximum number of sequences to use for HMM (default 10000).
--no-trna Do not build HMM profiles for tRNA genes.
--no-rrna Do not build HMM profiles for rRNA genes.
--incl-orf Include open reading frames.
--resume Resume a previously unfinished run.
--clean Clean temporary files when finished.
--test Run program in test mode.
--log STR Log file (default stdout).
-h|--help Print this help message.
-v|--version Print version number.
1. Refer to NCBI Taxonomy for taxid
2. Refer to webpage for code table selection
Commonly used genetic code tables include:
[1] The Standard Code
[2] The Vertebrate Mitochondrial Code
[5] The Invertebrate Mitochondrial Code
[11] The Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant Plastid Code
Example: oatkdb -j 4 -t 8 -c 11 -o angiosperms_pltd_v20230911 3398 chloroplast
This tool is somewhat a subroutine of the oatkdb
tool. It does part of the job that oatkdb
does. It takes one positional parameter, i.e., the sequence file (in FASTA format) for a gene, and builds a profile HMM from the sequences. The work logic is similar to oatkdb
: clean sequences, do multiple sequence alignment and build an HMM profile.
Here is the full list of the options, which can be shown with the command seqdb -h
Program: seqdb (build profile HMM for a gene from sequence file)
Version: 1.0
Usage: seqdb [options] sequence
-n|--name STR Gene name to write to the HMM file (default auto).
-t|--threads INT Number of threads to use for each parallel job (default 8).
-p|--protein The input is protein sequences.
-c|--codon INT NCBI genetic code table for translation used for '-p' (default 1).
-T|--tmpdir STR Temp file directory (default auto).
-f|--force Overwrite existing files.
-o|--output STR Output HMM profile database file (default auto).
--min-seq INT Minimum number of sequences to keep a gene (default 5).
--max-seq INT Maximum number of sequences to use for HMM (default 10000).
--resume Resume a previously unfinished run.
--clean Clean temporary files when finished.
--log STR Log file (default stdout).
-h|--help Print this help message.
-v|--version Print version number.
1. Refer to NCBI Taxonomy for taxid
2. Refer to webpage for code table selection
Commonly used genetic code tables include:
[1] The Standard Code
[2] The Vertebrate Mitochondrial Code
[5] The Invertebrate Mitochondrial Code
[11] The Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant Plastid Code
Example: seqdb -t 12 -c 11 -n rpoc2 -o ./rpoc2.hmm rpo2.fna
This tool is used for the final manual curation of the database. Even though oatkdb
endeavours to build a clean core gene set, it is sometimes not perfect. mancdb
provides an interface to manually curate (such as add and delete genes, and change gene names) the core gene set to be included in the database and rebuild the database. It takes three positional parameters: a gene list file where each row represents a gene to be included in the database, the temporary folder (used to run oatkdb
) and the output database file name. The gene list file follows the same format as the intermediate file DB.summary
which can be found in the oatkdb
temporary folder. For each row, the first column (Type
) and the second column (Gene
) are used to located the corresponding sequence files for the gene and should be directly copied from DB.summary
file and keep unchanged; the third column is the gene name used in the database file and can be changed to modify the NAME
field in the HMM profile file; the fourth column and onwards are ignored. If you want to add genes, the intermediate file HMM.summary
(with the same format as DB.summary
) located in the oatkdb
temporary folder gives a full list available genes.
Here is the full list of the options, which can be shown with the command mancdb -h
Program: mancdb (curate OatkDB gene HMM profile database)
Version: 1.0
Usage: mancdb [options] gene_list tmpdir output
-f|--force Overwrite existing files.
-s|--sort Sort gene by names.
--log STR Log file (default stdout).
-h|--help Print this help message.
-v|--version Print version number.
Example: mancdb gene_list tmpdir angiosperms_pltd_v20230911
The names of tRNA genes follow the form trn([A-Z])-([ACGU]{3})
, where the single letter captured by the first matching group is the amino acid code and the three-letter block captured by the second matching group is the anticodon. The program tries to rescue a tRNA gene name violating this naming scheme as long as the name can be matched by the regex ^([t|T][r|R][n|N])([a-z]{0,1})([ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYacdefghiklmnpqrstvwy]{1})[-|_]?[\(|\]]?([ACGUacgu]{3})?[\)|\]]?$
. If the anticodon matching group is missed, the program will try to retrieve it from the /note
feature in the Genbank record.
The names of rRNA genes follow the form rrn(\d+(\.\d+)?)
, where the decimal number captured by the first matching group is the product ribosomal subunit. For example, rrn4.5
and rrn23
for 4.5S and 23S subunits respectively. If an rRNA gene name violates this naming scheme, the program will try to rescue it by checking the /product
feature in the Genbank record to retrieve the product subunit. For example, the MT-RNR1
and MT-RNR2
genes in the mammal mitochondria genome will be renamed to rrn12
and rrn16
, respectively. If you want to change the name back, you can directly edit the HMM profile database.
A gene could have many names due to different naming conventions used by different annotation tools. For example, the prefix of NADH dehydrogenase genes could be ND
, etc. OatkDB uses an alias file to capture these different naming schemes for identical genes. An alias file is a two-column (the extra columns will be ignored) text file with each line representing a formatting rule. The first column is the standard name, and the second column is a regex used to capture the matched name aliases.
Here are some examples,
Example 1. COX2 ^[Cc][Oo][Xx]?(2|II)$
In this example, following this rule, CO2
, COX2
, coxII
, etc., will all be captured and converted to COX2
Example 2. ND(1) ^[Nn][Aa]?[Dd][Hh]?(\d{1})$
In this example, a (NADH dehydrogenase) gene name with case insensitive prefixes ND
, and NDH
followed by a single digit will be captured and converted to the standard name ND
followed by the single digit. The (1)
part in ND(1)
will be replaced by the first matching group in the formatting regex, i.e., the single digit. There could be more than one matching group, e.g., with the standard name ND(3)-(1)
, the formatting step will replace (3)
with the third matching group and (1)
with the first matching group. In this case, the matching regex (i.e., the second column) must contain at least three matching groups. The program will do this compatibility check and will invoke an error if the check fails.
By default, the alias.txt
file in this repo will be used by the oatkdb
script for name alias formatting. The script also accepts a user-defined alias file with -a|--alias
option. The alias-checking procedure processes the file line by line and stops after the first match, so the user should guarantee no overlaps between matching regexes.
It is noteworthy that the standard names in the alias file are not necessarily the names finally used in the database. The formatting step is only to group together genes with different names. The most commonly used name will be the final choice. For example, in the above example 1, if we see COX2
100 times and COII
101 times, the name COII
will be used instead of the standard name COX2
as specified in the rule, and will be counted 201 times.