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Components to open source

Vincent Fretin edited this page Mar 13, 2024 · 30 revisions

Vincent Fretin worked on some experiences like this car showroom or multi-users kitchen showroom and developed lots of A-Frame components along the way. Most of the fixes and new features to existing components were contributed to the existing repositories already. There is a lot of components that could be open sourced for you to use in your existing projects if there is enough monthly sponsors to work on it. You can find some of the tasks you can sponsor on the board.

Here is list of components that are used in the above experiences.

Note that some new components may depend on a solidjs signal used with the UI so may not be easily open sourced in a separate repo.

About the UI part:


The long term idea is to have a monthly or annual subscription on my platform to easily create an A-Frame experience with aframe-editor and a set of curated aframe components at your disposal. I'll write a list of what is currently available on my platform with documentation when I'll have the editor with save and export working.

Some advanced features (multiusers with a sfu (currently janus but livekit with server audio recording soon), ai agents with gpt-3.5 and soon gpt-4 with coqui-tts, e-learning features, realistic avatars, specialized assets library, blender server baking of your scene) would require a subscription and be hosted on my platform. If you don't need those features, that would be the Free tier (with limited multiusers and limited storage, tts via speechSynthesis api so not working in VR).

I know some of you want to own the experience and self host it, so for this case, you'll be able to export the experience in aframe html format with released versions of the third party components, so you can self host it and continue working on it in html on glitch if you want, but with simple multiusers with easyrtc, tts via speechSynthesis api. If you need lots of users in your room, you can self host the janus sfu, I open sourced my janus docker image with documentation already.

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