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Koa.JS NodeJS TypeScript MariaDB ActionScript Flash

Repo Information

We are running a lightweight Koa server written in TypeScript, with a MariaDB database leveraging MikroORM, as our ORM of choice. The client is written in ActionScript 3 and uses Adobe FlashPlayer to display its content.

This repository contains the entire modified SWF (Shockwave Flash) client files, along with the corresponding server component rebuilt from the ground up for Kixeye's 2010 Flash client, Backyard Monsters. The client is running on version 128.5690.

🚀 How to Play

We recommend to download our game launcher which can be installed from our website's download page. This will allow you to seamlessly manage what build versions of the client you play, all from one place, without worrying about manually downloading new versions. The launcher currently supports Windows (64-bit) and Linux.

Server setup

  1. Clone this repository and checkout the develop branch:
git clone

  1. Follow the instructions carefully on our server setup & configuration Wiki page.

Client Setup

  1. Follow the instructions carefully on our client setup & configuration Wiki page.

  2. To contribute you will need to copy your changes to the src directory. If you are wondering why we are using this horrible workflow please see for more information. If you are able to figure out how to compile directly to swf without unlinking all assets, please let us know.

Preservation of digital heritage

License GPL v3

Backyard Monsters preservation project.
Copyright (C) 2024 | The Backyard Monsters Refitted team
See the GNU General Public License <>.