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Integrate your Ruby on Rails application with Dropkiq for easy Liquid editing


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Dropkiq simplifies the creation of Liquid expressions. Quickly build your dynamic content with the simplest Liquid template editor.

  • Immediate Feedback: No more guesswork. Know exactly how your expressions will evaluate in real time.
  • No More Typos: To err is human. Identify mistakes as they happen and take corrective measures.
  • Visibility of Options: Data at your fingertips. See what data is available without asking your development team.

Check it out at!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dropkiq'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dropkiq


This Gem makes several assumptions about your Ruby on Rails application:

  • Drop classes are expected to have the same name as the corresponding Rails model. For example, if you have an ActiveRecord model with name of Person, the drop class is expected to be called PersonDrop (Ruby on Rails applications using the legacy liquid_methods method with PR #568 are also supported.)
  • Drop class methods are expected to return the same data type as the corresponding Rails-model getter methods for relationships and columns.
  • This Gem has not been tested with Rails models that have non-default primary key (other than id).

This Gem provides a rake command to generate a schema file that can be used to manage Fixtures on Dropkiq. Create the db/dropkiq_schema.yaml file by running the following command:

bundle exec rake dropkiq:schema

You should now have a db/dropkiq_schema.yaml file. This file describes all tables associated to Drop classes in your application, along with all methods avaialble to the Drop class. It is important that you DO allow this file to be checked in to version control so that you can maintain your Dropkiq schema over time as you add/remove/modify your Drop classes.

Notice that type has NOT been set on all methods. The Dropkiq Gem is only able to infer the method type for methods that correspond to a column or relationship on the ActiveRecord model. Please take a moment to manually add type values for all methods that were not able to be inferred. (Hint: Search the dropkiq_schema.yaml file for the word "CHANGEME" to see what needs manual attention.) Notice that if you run bundle exec rake dropkiq:schema again, your changes are saved!

Ruby on Rails Column to Dropkiq Data Type Mappings

Ruby on Rails Column Type Dropkiq Data Type
string ColumnTypes::String
integer ColumnTypes::Numeric
boolean ColumnTypes::Boolean
datetime ColumnTypes::DateTime
date ColumnTypes::DateTime
decimal ColumnTypes::Numeric
float ColumnTypes::Numeric
text ColumnTypes::Text
time ColumnTypes::DateTime
binary ColumnTypes::Numeric

Ruby on Rails Associations to Dropkiq Data Type Mappings

Ruby on Rails Association Type Dropkiq Data Type
belongs_to ColumnTypes::HasOne
has_one ColumnTypes::HasOne
has_many ColumnTypes::HasMany
has_one through: ColumnTypes::HasOne
has_many through: ColumnTypes::HasMany
has_and_belongs_to_many ColumnTypes::HasMany

Please note: You must also specify a foreign_table_name for any Association column in Dropkiq. These types can also be used for arbitrary methods within your Drop class that simply returns a single instance or array of instances of a Drop Class.

class PersonDrop < Liquid::Drop
  # ...

class GroupDrop < Liquid::Drop
  def initialize(group)
    @group = group

  # Use the ColumnTypes::HasOne column type and specify the foreign_table_name as "people"
  def owner
    owner_membership  = @group.memberships.find_by!(owner: true)

  # Use the ColumnTypes::HasMany column type and specify the foreign_table_name as "people"
  def managers
    @group.memberships.where(manager: true).map{|m|}

Dropkiq also provides a ColumnTypes::YAML Column Type if your Drop class model has any methods that simply return an Array or Hash, such as this example:

class ProductDrop < Liquid::Drop
  def initialize(product)
    @product = product

  # Use the ColumnTypes::YAML column type and serialize the Array as Yaml
  def possible_sku_numbers
    [12345, 67890, 45678, 12390]

  # Use the ColumnTypes::YAML column type and serialize the Hash as Yaml
  def custom_data
      description: "This is a book about bananas",
      price: 12.95

Dropkiq Method Classification

In the event that a liquid method is not an exact match to a column or association, the Dropkiq Ruby Gem will attempt to make a best guess about the data type of the method based on the name. The rules for matching are as follows:

Method Name Ends With Dropkiq Data Type
_id ColumnTypes::Numeric
_count ColumnTypes::Numeric
? ColumnTypes::Boolean
_present ColumnTypes::Boolean
_changed ColumnTypes::Boolean
description ColumnTypes::Text
name ColumnTypes::String
password ColumnTypes::String
type ColumnTypes::String
title ColumnTypes::String
to_s ColumnTypes::String
to_string ColumnTypes::String
_url ColumnTypes::String
_email ColumnTypes::String
_partial ColumnTypes::String
_email_address ColumnTypes::String
_uuid ColumnTypes::String

The Dropkiq Ruby Gem will also attempt to classify liquid methods by creating a sample instance of the Liquid Drop class to test. The liquid method will be called, and the value will attempt to be classified using the foollowing:

Value Result Dropkiq Data Type
TrueClass ColumnTypes::Boolean
FalseClass ColumnTypes::Boolean
String ColumnTypes::String
Symbol ColumnTypes::String
Numeric ColumnTypes::Numeric
Date ColumnTypes::DateTime
Time ColumnTypes::DateTime
DateTime ColumnTypes::DateTime

Dropkiq will attempt to classify relationships in the event the method returns a single ActiveRecord object (ColumnTypes::HasOne), or a collection or ActiveRecord objects (ColumnTypes::HasMany).


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/dropkiq. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Dropkiq project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Integrate your Ruby on Rails application with Dropkiq for easy Liquid editing



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  • Ruby 99.6%
  • Shell 0.4%