Rust Zeromq bindings.
To build, just run rustc
. rust-zmq is a pretty straight forward
port of the C API into Rust:
extern mod zmq;
#[link_args="-lzmq"] // link against the C library
extern {}
fn main() {
let ctx = match zmq::init(1) {
Ok(ctx) => ctx,
Err(e) => fail!(e.to_str())
let socket = match ctx.socket(zmq::REQ) {
Ok(socket) => { socket },
Err(e) => { fail!(e.to_str()) }
match socket.connect("tcp://") {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(e) => fail!(e.to_str())
match socket.send_str("hello world!", 0) {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(e) => fail!(e.to_str())
Install for users of rust-zmq:
% rustpkg install
Install for developers:
% git clone
% cd rust-zmq
% make