The Arrested plugin is a framework that generates RESTful controllers for your GORM objects and maps them in your UrlMappings, generates AngularJS based views in the form a single page per domain entity, and finally it provides a simple token based security model.
AngularJs + RESTful = Arrested
Getting Started
We need to set up a couple things before we get started generating your REST controllers and Angular views. Namely we need our User and Token Entities, a Security Filter that validates a token header field, and some base Angular js files that act as a DAO to your rest services.
To get started with arrested run:
grails arrested-server
To generate a REST controller run: (This will generate a Controller and put the appropriate configurations in UrlMapping to be RESTful)
grails generate-arrested-controller DomainClassName
To generate views for your newly created REST controller run: (This will generate a index.gsp file in your views directory ie. /views/domainclassname/index.gsp; and the javascript files to interact with your REST controller. It's configured to use the security token and will pass a token on each request for data.)
grails generate-arrested-view DomainClassName
How to Integrate