A more robust Google App Engine boilerplate with localization support based on the simplified, frontend focused, Simple-GAE-Boilerplate.
The goal here is to allow for quick rollout of traditionally structured websites that need robust localization support. It's agile, simple, and powerful.
What it shares with Simple-GAE-Boilerplate
- Preconfigured App.yaml, handlers, and routes
- Set up for base handlers (universal/site wide handlers)
- Jinja2 templating
- HTML5 Boilerplate
- js
- jQuery 1.9.1 minimized
- Modernizr 2.6.2 minimized
- Respond1.1.0 minimized
- css
- Normalize
- Normalize minimized
- IE html tag classes
- js
- Best practice App Engine folder structure
What's new!
- Localization support for text strings via ARB
- this json like format is robust and works great with Google's Translator Toolkit
- Automatic url Mapping for supported languages
- Session saving for languague preference persistance
- Global and localized data variables for clean and easy seperation of translated content
What it still doesn't have:
- Database setup
Special thanks goes out to Patrick Guiness for his help debugging. Not sure how many hours I would have waisted without him.