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Artemis NetCheat code types

Damián Parrino edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Codetypes for Badger and @Dnawrkshp's PS3 Tool.



a = address, o = offset, c = command (OR) count, v = value

0 -- 8 Bit write

Writes 8 bits (1 byte) to the specified address

0 aaaaaaaa vv000000


0 00B1F4A6 7F000000
0 00B1F4A7 FF000000

1 -- 16 Bit write

Writes 16 bits (2 byte) to the specified address

1 aaaaaaaa vvvv0000


1 00B1F4A6 7FFF0000

2 -- 32 Bit write

Writes 32 bits (4 byte) to the specified address

2 aaaaaaaa vvvvvvvv


2 00B1F4A4 00007FFF

6 -- Pointer write

Reads the value at a, adds o, then uses that as the address for the next line.

6 aaaaaaaa oooooooo c 00000000 vvvvvvvv


6 00B611C4 010010FC
2 00000000 42480000

D -- 24 Bit comparison (Equal To)

Reads 24 bits from a and compares it with v. If they are equal it will execute the c of lines below it. When the button(s) (and no other button(s)) are pressed, the code(s) below of length cc will be executed

D type codes must be constantly written!

D aaaaaaaa ccvvvvvv


D 00B122F8 01010000
2 009C356D 00006000

E -- 24 bit comparison mask unset

Reads 24 bits from a and ands it with v. If that is equal to v it will execute the c of lines below it. When the button(s) are pressed, regardless of other buttons, the code(s) below of length cc will be executed if ((intB & intA) == intA) From misc.ArrayCompare

E type codes must be constantly written!

E aaaaaaaa ccvvvvvv


E 00B122F8 01000044
2 010D4568 3E000000