This document describes how to use Open Virtual Networking with Kubernetes 1.8.0 or later. This document assumes that you have installed Open vSwitch by following INSTALL.rst or by using the distribution packages such as .deb or.rpm.
OVN provides network virtualization to containers. In the "overlay" mode, OVN can create a logical network amongst containers running on multiple hosts. In this mode, OVN programs the Open vSwitch instances running inside your hosts. These hosts can be bare-metal machines or vanilla VMs.
Installing Open vSwitch is out of scope of this documentation. You can read INSTALL.rst for that. That documentation inturn links to platform specific installations. If you use packages to install OVS, you should install both OVS and OVN related packages. You can also read the following quick-start guide for Ubuntu that installs OVS and OVN from source and packages:
On each node, you should also install the 'ovnkube' utility that comes with this repository. To install it, you can run:
git clone
cd go-controller
sudo make install
OVN is a network virtualization solution. It can create logical switches and routers. One can then interconnect these switches and routers to create any network topologies. Kubernetes (k8s) in its default mode has the following networking requirements.
- All containers should be able to communicate with each other over IP address.
OVN is capable of having overlapping IP addresses (as part of different network topologies). But with the k8s requirement that all containers should be able to talk over IP address, it makes sense to have a simple network topology with one logical switch created per k8s node and then inter-connect all those logical switches with a single logical router. Any containers created in these nodes get connected to the logical switch associated with that node as a logical port.
- All nodes should be able to communicate with the containers running inside that node over IP address.
k8s has this requirement for health-checking. To achieve this goal, we will create an additional logical port for the node (represented by a OVS internal interface).
- All containers should be able to communicate with the k8s daemons running in the master node.
This can be achieved by running OVN gateways in the minion nodes. With at least one OVN gateway, the pods can reach the k8s central daemons with NAT.
- Start the central components on a k8s master node.
OVN architecture has a central component which stores your networking intent in a database. Start this central component on one of the nodes where you have started your k8s central daemons and which has an IP address of $CENTRAL_IP.
Start ovn-northd daemon. This daemon translates networking intent from k8s stored in the OVN_Northbound database to logical flows in OVN_Southbound database.
/usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovn-ctl start_northd
Also start ovn-controller on this node.
/usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovn-ctl start_controller
Now start the ovnkube utility on the master node.
The below command expects the user to provide
A cluster wide private address range of $CLUSTER_IP_SUBNET (e.g: The pods are provided IP address from this range.
$NODE_NAME should be the same as the one used by kubelet. kubelet by default uses the hostname. kubelet allows this name to be overridden with --hostname-override.
$SERVICE_IP_SUBNET is the same as the one provided to k8s-apiserver via --service-cluster-ip-range option. An e.g is
nohup sudo ovnkube -k8s-kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml -net-controller \
-loglevel=4 \
-k8s-apiserver="http://$CENTRAL_IP:8080" \
-logfile="/var/log/openvswitch/ovnkube.log" \
-init-master=$NODE_NAME -cluster-subnet="$CLUSTER_IP_SUBNET" \
-service-cluster-ip-range=$SERVICE_IP_SUBNET \
-nodeport \
-nb-address="tcp://$CENTRAL_IP:6631" \
-sb-address="tcp://$CENTRAL_IP:6632" 2>&1 &
Note: Make sure to read /var/log/openvswitch/ovnkube.log to see that there were no obvious errors with argument passing.
If you want to use SSL instead of TCP for OVN databases, please read
On each host, you will need to run the following command once.
The below command expects the user to provide
A cluster wide private address range of $CLUSTER_IP_SUBNET (e.g: The pods are provided IP address from this range. This value should be the same as the one provided to ovnkube in the master node.
$NODE_NAME should be the same as the one used by kubelet. kubelet by default uses the hostname. kubelet allows this name to be overridden with --hostname-override.
$SERVICE_IP_SUBNET is the same as the one provided to k8s-apiserver via --service-cluster-ip-range option. An e.g is
If you are using ingress controllers with L7 load-balancing to enter into the k8s cluster, you can skip providing the '-nodeport' option with the below command.
nohup sudo ovnkube -k8s-kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml -loglevel=4 \
-logfile="/var/log/openvswitch/ovnkube.log" \
-k8s-apiserver="http://$CENTRAL_IP:8080" \
-init-node="$NODE_NAME" \
-nodeport \
-nb-address="tcp://$CENTRAL_IP:6631" \
-sb-address="tcp://$CENTRAL_IP:6632" -k8s-token="$TOKEN" \
-init-gateways \
-service-cluster-ip-range=$SERVICE_IP_SUBNET \
-cluster-subnet=$CLUSTER_IP_SUBNET 2>&1 &
Note: Make sure to read /var/log/openvswitch/ovnkube.log to see that there were no obvious errors with argument passing.
Notes on gateway nodes:
Gateway nodes are needed for North-South connectivity in OVN. OVN has support for multiple gateway nodes. In the above command, since '-init-gateways' has been provided as an option, a OVN gateway will be created on each minion.
Just providing '-init-gateways', will make OVN choose the interface in your minion via which the minion's default gateway is reached.
If you want to chose the interface for your gateway, you should provide '-gateway-interface' and '-gateway-nexthop' as options. For e.g:
-init-gateways -gateway-interface=enp0s9 -gateway-nexthop="$NEXTHOP"
- If you have a spare interface that you want to exclusively use for OVN gateway on a node, you also need to pass the -gateway-spare-interface option. Foe e.g:
-init-gateways -gateway-interface=enp0s9 -gateway-nexthop="$NEXTHOP" \
For more control on the options to ovnkube, please read
Please read
There is a vagrant available to bring up a simple cluster at vagrant.
The following digaram represents the internal architecture details of the overlay mode.
Installing k8s is out of scope of this documentation. You can read for that. For a quick start, the vagrant in this repo, does install kubernetes in its simplest form.