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forked from Bomret/NiceTry

A type for the classic try/catch statement, inspired by the Try type in Scala.


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A functional wrapper type for the classic try/catch statement, inspired by its counterpart in the Scala programming language (

Also available on NuGet (

Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 ( Uses the System.Reactive.Unit type made available by the guys working on the awesome Reactive Extensions ( to represent the absence of a return value.


Reading the content specified by a url as string and printing it to the console. If the user specifies an invalid url, a fallback url will be used. If an error occurs anywhere during the process, the error message will be printed to the console.

Try.To(() => Console.ReadLine())
    .Map(input => new Uri(input))
    .OrElse(new Uri(""))
    .Using(() => new WebClient(),
           (wc, url) => wc.DownloadString(url))
    .Filter(content => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content) == false)
    .Match(content => Console.WriteLine("Success: {0}", content),
           error => Console.WriteLine("Failure: {0}", error.Message));


A buffed Try that retries the given work for up to the amount of given times:

Retry.To(() => Console.ReadLine(), 3)
    .Map(input => new Uri(input))
    .OrElse(new Uri(""))
    .Using(() => new WebClient(),
           (wc, url) => wc.DownloadString(url))
    .Filter(content => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content) == false)
    .Match(content => Console.WriteLine("Success: {0}", content),
           error => Console.WriteLine("Failure: {0}", error.Message));

The above code sample would try reading a url from the command line up to 4 times (the original try and up to 3 retries). It returns a Success if the user specifies a valid url before all retries are used up. If the user does not specify a valid url the fourth time, the Retry will fail.


Try is a wrapper around a simple try/catch statement. It tries to execute the given Action or Func and returns a Success if no exception was thrown and a Failure containing the encountered exception otherwise.

Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 4);

The above example would evaluate the anonymous function () => 2 + 4 and, since no exception will be thrown, return a Success<int> and store it in the variable result. The result of the calculation is stored inside the Success and can be accessed using the Value property:

int six = result.Value;

// or

result.OnSuccess(i => _six = i);

To find out if result represents a Success or Failure it provides two boolean properties: IsSuccess and IsFailure. To be safe, you can either check those properties first or use the corresponding applicator.

If the above example would have thrown an exception, this could be accessed by the Error property or the OnFailure applicator:

Exception error = result.Error;

// or

result.OnFailure(e => _error = e);

When you use Try or Retry to do an Action (which returns nothing) you'll get a Try<Unit> as result. The Unit type represents void (read more: and has been implemented to avoid the unnecessary duplication of combinator and applicator functions.

Recommended usage

Every method that could throw an exception should return a Try<T> instead of void or the result directly. That way, eventual exceptions can be handled by applying combinators and applicators to the return value and exception handling can be managed hassle free.

So instead of this:

private void DoSomethingRisky(string a) { //... };
private int CalculateSomethingRisky(int a, int b) { //... };

write this:

private Try<Unit> DoSomethingRisky(string a) { //... };
private Try<int> CalculateSomethingRisky(int a, int b) { //... };

Using a Try<T> as return value states the risky nature of the method much clearer than a XML doc with an <exception> element.

Creating a Try

There are several ways to create a Try.


Try<int> @try = Try.To(() => 2 + 3);

Executes an Action or a Func<T> synchronously and returns a Success if no exception was thrown or a Failure otherwise.

Of / Success

Try<int> five = Try.Of(5);

// same as

Try<int> five = Try.Success(5);

Create a Success that contains the given value.


Try<int> five = Try.Failure(new Exception());

Creates a Failure that contains the given Error.


Try<string> result = Try.Using(() => new StreamReader(File.OpenRead("some.file")), reader => reader.ReadToEnd());

Simplifies working with disposables. The first function creates a disposable, the second one allows to use it. In the example above, result would be a Success<string> containing the file content as text or a Failure if an error would have occurred.


Try<string> result = Try.Using(() => new StreamReader(File.OpenRead("some.file")), reader => Try.To(() => reader.ReadToEnd()));

Simplifies working with disposables. The first function creates a disposable, the second one allows to use it. In the example above, result would be a Success<string> containing the file content as text or a Failure<string> if an error would have occurred.

Applicators and Combinators

As Success and Failure are simple data structures, a couple of extension methods are provided that make working with both types easier.


An applicator is either void or returns something different than a Success or Failure. Applicators can be used to execute actions with side effect. Applicators do not catch exceptions. You have to deal with those yourself.


Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
   .OnSuccess(i => _five = i);

OnSuccess is only executed if no exception was thrown and delegates the value of the Success to its enclosed callback. In the above example _five would be a int with Value 5.


Try.To(() => 5 / 0)
   .OnFailure(e => _error = e);

OnFailure is only executed if an exception was thrown and delegates the exception to its enclosed callback. In the above example _error would be a DivideByZeroException.


Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
   		i => _five = i,
   		e => _error = e);

Match allows to use a pattern matching like callback registration. The first function parameter is only executed in case of a Success and gets the value to work with. The second function parameter is registered to handle Failure and is only executed if an exception was thrown.

string result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
   		             i => i.ToString(),
   		             e => "");

This overload for Match produces a value. In the above example result would be the string "5".


int five = Try.To(() => 2 + 3).Get();

Get is the most straight forward applicator. It returns the value if the result is a Success or rethrows the exception, if one was encountered. In the above example five would be 5.


int five = Try.To(() => 2 + 3).GetOrElse(-1);

GetOrElse either returns the value, if the Try returned a Success or the else value, if the Try returned a Failure. In the above example five would be 5. It would have been -1 if () => 2 + 3 had thrown an exception.


int five = Try.To(() => 2 + 3).GetOrDefault();

GetOrDefault either returns the value, if the Try returned a Success or the value of default(T), if the Try returned a Failure. In the above example five would be 5. It would have been 0 which is default(int) if () => 2 + 3 had thrown an exception.


A combinator always returns a Try and thus lets you combine it with other combinators and allow function composition. This library provides a growing number of combinators that empowers you to write concise and bloat-free code for error handling. Some of them, like Map and OrElse have already been shown in the topmost example.


Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 5 / 0).OrElse(-1);

In the above examples a DivideByZeroException would be thrown and result would be a Failure. The OrElse combinator makes it possible to return a different value in case of a Failure. In both cases above result would be a Success<int> with the Value -1.


Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 5 / 0).OrElseWith(Try.Of(-1));

In the above example a DivideByZeroException would be thrown and result would be a Failure. The OrElseWith combinator makes it possible to return a different Try in case of a Failure. In both cases above result would be a Success<int> with the Value -1.


Try<Unit> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
                      .Then(t => t.Get() + 1)
                      .Then(t => Print(t.Get()));

Allows chaining and conversion of multiple Try's. If a try fails, the chain will be interrupted and return immediately with a Failure.


Try<Unit> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
                      .ThenWith(t => t.Map(i => i + 1))
                      .ThenWith(t => t.Map(i => Print(i)));

Allows chaining and conversion of multiple Try's. If a try fails, the chain will be interrupted and return immediately with a Failure.


Try<Unit> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
				      .Apply(i => Print(i));

Applies an Action<T> to the value contained in a Success<T>. And returns the successful or failed result of this Action. In the above example result would be a Success<Unit> if Print would not throw an exception, otherwise a Failure.


string result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
				.Map(i => i.ToString());

Map allows to apply a function to the value of a Success. In the above example result would be a Success<string> with Value "5".


Try<string> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
                        .FlatMap(i => Try.To(() => i.ToString()));

FlatMap allows to apply a function to the value of a Success that returns another Try and avoid the nesting that would occur otherwise. In the above example result would be a Success<string> with Value "5". If Map would have been used, result would have been a Success<Success<string>>.


Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
				.Filter(i => i == 5);

Filter checks if a given predicate holds true for a Try. In the above example result would be a Success<int> with Value 5. If the predicate i => i == 5 would not hold, result would have been a Failure containing an ArgumentException. If () => 2 + 3 would have thrown an exception result would have been a Failure containing the thrown exception.


Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
				     .Reject(i => i == 5);

Is the exact opposite of Filter. It checks if a given predicate does not hold true for a Try. In the above example result would be a Failure containing an ArgumentException.


Try<int> five = Try.To(() => 2 + 3);
Try<int> four = Try.To(() => 6 - 2);

Try<int> nine = five.Zip(four, (a, b) => a + b);

Takes one other Try and allows to apply a Func to the values of both Try's. If one Try would be a Failure the function would not be applied. In the above example nine would be a Success<int> containing 9.


Try<int> five = Try.To(() => 2 + 3);
Try<int> four = Try.To(() => 6 - 2);

Try<int> nine = five.ZipWith(four, (a, b) => Try.To(() => a + b));

Takes one other Try and allows to apply a Func to the values of both Try's. If one Try would be a Failure the function would not be applied. In the above example nine would be a Success<int> containing 9.


Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 5 / 0)
				     .Recover(e => -1);

This combinator is used to recover from a Failure. Gets the thrown exception to work with. In the above example result would be a Success<int> with Value -1 and e would be a DivideByZeroException.


Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 5 / 0)
				     .RecoverWith(e => Try.Of(-1));

This combinator is used to recover from a Failure with a new Try. Gets the thrown exception to work with. In the above example result would be a Success<int> with Value -1 and e would be a DivideByZeroException.


Try<string> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
        					i => i.ToString(),
        					e => e.Message);

Can be used to transform the result of a Try. The first function parameter transforms the resulting value if it is a Success, the second works on the exception if it is a Failure. In the above example result would be a Success<string> with Value "5".


Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)

Ignores the Try it is called from completely and returns a new Success<T> with a given value. In the above example result would be a Success<int> with value 6.


Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
				     .Fail(new ArgumentException("I can't do this, Dave."));

Ignores the Try it is called from completely and returns a new Failure with a given Exception. In the above example result would be a Failure containing an Exception.


Try<string> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
				        .Retry(i => i.ToString(), 2);

Allows to retry a certain step a given number of times (at least once, if no retry count is given). Works the same as Retry.To as documented above.


Try<int> result = Try.To(() => 2 + 3)
        			 .Tap(i => Console.WriteLine(i))
        			 .Map(i => i + 1);

Can be used to take a look at the value of a Try without modifying it. In the above example result would be a Success<int> containing the value 6. Tap would have printed 5 to the console.

Note: If the action in Tap throws, the exception is swallowed.


Try<string> result = Try.To(() => File.ReadAllText("some.file"))
				        .Finally(() => File.Delete("some.file"))
				        .Map(content => content.Replace("meh", "awesome"));

Can be used to execute side effecting behavior without modifying a Try. In the above example result would be a Success<string> containing the read text. The given Action will be executed in either case, regardless if the incoming Try is a Success or a Failure.

Note: If the action in Finally throws, the exception is swallowed.


Try<string> result = Try.Using(() => new StreamReader(File.OpenRead("some.file")), reader => reader.ReadToEnd());
// or

Try<string> result = Try.To(() => File.OpenRead(file))
                        .Using(stream => new StreamReader(stream),
                               reader => reader.ReadToEnd())

Simplifies working with disposables. The first function creates a disposable, the second one allows to use it. In both examples above, result would be a Success<string> containing the file content as text or a Failure if an error would have occurred.


Try<string> result = Try.Using(() => new StreamReader(File.OpenRead("some.file")), reader => Try.To(() => reader.ReadToEnd()));
// or

Try<string> result = Try.To(() => File.OpenRead(file))
                        .Using(stream => new StreamReader(stream),
                               reader => Try.To(() => reader.ReadToEnd()))

Simplifies working with disposables. The first function creates a disposable, the second one allows to use it. In both examples above, result would be a Success<string> containing the file content as text or a Failure if an error would have occurred.


A type for the classic try/catch statement, inspired by the Try type in Scala.







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