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Lightweight framework for navigation & routing in SwiftUI


Voyager empowers developers to power their SwiftUI-based apps with routing that not only applies to navigation, but also tabs.


In Xcode add the dependency to your project via File > Add Packages > Search or Enter Package URL and use the following url:

Once added, import the package in your code:

import Voyager



enum ExampleRoute: Route {
  case route1
  case route2
  case route3(String)
  case route4(Int)

To start off, create an enum that will represent your set of routes. These can be parameterized by using Swift's enum with associated values.


@StateObject var router = Router<ExampleRoute>(root: .route1)

BaseVoyagerView(router: router) { route in
  switch route {
  case route1: Route1View()
  case route2: Route2View()
  // ...

The simplest of all Voyager views. Use when you don't need navigation or tabs. If you do need navigation or tabs, use the corresponding Voyager view below.


@StateObject var router = Router<ExampleRoute>(root: .route1)

NavVoyagerView(router: router) { route in
  switch route {
  case route1: Route1View()
  case route2: Route2View()
  // ...

NavVoyagerView uses NavigationStack under the hood so you are able to use NavigationLink views as needed in child views.


@StateObject var router = TabRouter<ExampleRoute>(tabs: [.route1, .route2], selected: .route1)

TabVoyagerView(router: router) { route in
  switch route {
  case route1: Route1View()
  case route2: Route2View()
  // ...
} tabItem: { route in
  // Design a label for your tab item

TabVoyagerView uses a TabView with an array of NavVoyagerViews under the hood, so navigation works for each tab separately.


struct Route1View: View {

  @EnvironmentObject var router: Router<ExampleRoute>

  // You can then use the router to push, pop, present modals, or dismiss as needed.

You can access a router in any child view of the parent Voyager view.


final class ExampleDeeplinkHandler: DeeplinkHandler<ExampleRoute> {

  override func handleDeeplink(url: URL) -> (ExampleRoute, PresentationOption)? {
    // Transform the deeplink into a route with a given presentation option.

By injecting a route-specific DeeplinkHandler into a Router, you will be able to handle any deeplinks that would present some route from that router.


MIT License