This project intends to choose a front-end framework to execute. I choose Angular to it.
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 9.1.2.
- Used Technologies
- Required Installation
- Installing Packages
- Running Frontend
- Using Docker
- Users Mock Logins
- To do
- Author
BEM Architecture to SCSS files;
Cypress to e2e;
- If you dont have been installed yet, on command line do as follow:
$ sudo apt install nodejs
$ npm/yarn install -g @angular/cli
$ npm/yarn install
$ ng serve -o
- Execute the integration test via Cypress;
- On another command line do as follow, with development server online
$ npm/yarn run cy
- Execute the unit tests via Karma.
$ ng test
- Automate past processes with following command:
$ sudo docker-compose up
'User One': {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 123456,
'User Two': {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 123456,
1. Implement more unit tests;
2. Do more movies services;
3. Add more @media-queries;
4. Create an nodejs API with express to give movies data.
Bruno Ramires de Moraes Ferreira - GitHub