This script is used for easy database configuration.
- English
- Español - Beta
- Italiano - Beta
- Português
- Русский - Beta
- Uses Mysqli to check for database access (more security)
- Create configuration file
- Layout based on the wordpress installation
- Expected completion installation database
- PHP 5.3.7+, PHP 5.4+ or PHP 5.5+
- MySQL 5 database
install Apache, MySQL, PHP and eventually PHPMyAdmin: How to setup a LAMP stack on Ubuntu 12.04
Navigate to your project, you want to add the auto installer for SQL
copy the contents of the extracted class-query repository into your project folder Best way to do is cloning via git:
git clone /var/www/You-Project
In _installer/setup-config-html.php:
4. enter you file config name from your website in $file
enter your name project in
enter your link project in
define your logo project in
protected function put in the code of your configuration file, replace the credentials of the database, you can use
to get past the POST method values.
In _installer/install.php:
- replace if necessary credentials to connect to the database.
- replace value the variable
put the name of your .SQL file that will run on the database.
// file required for start application
// check file not exist
if (!file_exists($CONFIG_FILE_REQUIRED))
header('location: _installer/setup-config.php');
// replace the beginning of your application
echo 'installed';
Please commit only in develop branch. The master branch will always contain the stable version.
See active issues and requested features here:
Licensed under MIT. Totally free for private or commercial projects.