This code creates a simple system able to suggest the next word based on the previous words provided. It can also be used to create a specific text based on some other texts.
The system uses a LSTM (long short term) Recurrent Neural Network model to learn from a dataset with 100 questions extracted from a help desk system.
To prepare your data, ensure the dataset is on the same directory as your code and run The prepared dataset and other supporting files will be generated.
To train the neural network, uncomment lines 96 and 97 from the file and run it.
To use the neural network also run the file calling the get_word function. Unless you need to retrain your network you can keep the training function commented out.
- - generates the dictionary of words based on the dataset and also creates a pickle file where each phrase is a list object and each item of the list is word.
- - creates the recurrent neural network model and perform all the network training process saving the trained model at the end of the process.
- - where you can use the model, provides the get_word function which creates a simple user experience in the console so you can test and play around with the trained model.