To build an assembly, run:
mvn clean assembly:assembly
This creates a jar at:
which can be placed in:
To open this project in an IDE, you will need maven support enabled (e.g. with the relevant plugin). You should then be able to develop it and run it as usual. For more information on IDE support, visit:
The artifacts (directory and tar.gz by default) which get built into
can be changed. Simply edit the relevant files under
Testing requires DB's created. Brooklyn blueprints are one good way to do this.
To test quickly locally, you can also use:
docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_ROOT_HOST= -P -d mysql/mysql-server:latest
docker ps # note the port, and use that below, eg 32771
mysql -u root -ppassword -h -P 32771
In MySQL, create a DB, e.g. create database foo
(or even this demo),
and then you're ready to go; use the data above to create a blueprint.
Note you may need to pay attention to the CF-accessible IP address when you do the actual test --
hence the use of the 172.*
address above (for Docker; if registering with PCF Dev you need to use
the interface it sees in your actual blueprint, e.g.
Apache Brooklyn is a code library and framework for managing applications in a cloud-first dev-ops-y way. It has been used to create this sample project which shows how to define an application and entities for Brooklyn.
This project can be extended for more complex topologies and more interesting applications, and to develop the policies to scale or tune the deployment depending on what the application needs.
For more information consider:
- Visiting the Apache Brooklyn home page at
- Finding us on IRC #brooklyncentral or email (click "Community" at the site above)
- Forking the project at
A sample Brooklyn project should specify its license.