Brendan's repo for the April AMIA Git Workshop happening in conjunction with AMIA - DLF Hack Day 2021
10 mins - live
Facilitators & Hosts
AMIA Hack Day stuff & Announcements
Thank you's
Who I Am & What I Do
see below
10 minutes - live
What is version control and who needs it? link
How does Git do version control? How does other software? link
What's the relationship between Git and GitHub? link
Git, Github, and your personal morality link
20 minutes - live
Overview link
branches, file states, relationships
tracking changes
Automations vs Manual versioning link
How to apply a Git-like framework to office documents link
30 mins - live with videos
Each topic pre-recorded ~5mins
10 mins - live
30 minutes
setting up your CLI
Git UX and CLI