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IPFS with Vite, SvelteKit

Steps to Reproduce

  • Install SvelteKit
npm init svelte@next myIPFSexperiment
npm i
  • Install IPFS-core

npm i ipfs-core

  • Install process and util, as it comes in node but not the browser

npm i process util

  • We also need some globals, save them to src/node-globals.js:
// file: src/node-globals.js
export const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
export const process = require('process/browser');
export const global =
	typeof global !== 'undefined'
		? global
		: typeof globalThis !== 'undefined'
		? globalThis
		: typeof self !== 'undefined'
		? self
		: typeof window !== 'undefined'
		? window
		: {};

if (globalThis && globalThis.process && globalThis.process.env)
	globalThis.process.env.LIBP2P_FORCE_PNET = false;
  • We need to build ipfs-core for the browser, use esbuild to do so

npm i -D esbuild

  • Add a shotcut for the above in package.json
	"scripts": {
		"build:ipfs": "esbuild ./node_modules/ipfs-core --bundle --format=esm --sourcemap --main-fields=browser,module,main --inject:./src/node-globals.js --define:globalThis.process.env.NODE_ENV='\"production\"' --splitting --outdir=./src/modules/ipfs-core"
  • run the esbuild script:
npm run build:ipfs

Results are now in


  • Import IPFS in the app. Need to do this inside svelte's onMount to ensure the DOM is loaded in the browser
// src/routes/index.svelte

import { onMount } from 'svelte';

onMount(async () => {
	// In Svelte, a hot module refresh can cause lockfile problems
	// so we assign the ipfs node to globalThis to avoid lock file issues
	if (!globalThis.ipfsNode) {
		// no ipfs saved to globalThis, so load it up
		const IPFSmodule = await import('../modules/ipfs-core/ipfs-core.js');
		const IPFS = IPFSmodule.default;
		ipfsNode = await IPFS.create();
		globalThis.ipfsNode = ipfsNode;
	} else {
		ipfsNode = globalThis.ipfsNode;
  • Run the app:
npm run dev
  • Build the app:

Install the adapater for static sites:

npm i -D @sveltejs/adapter-static@next

then add the adapter to your svelte.config.js:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';

export default {
	kit: {
		adapter: adapter()

and build

npm run build

and preview

npm run preview

open in localhost

process.env.NODE_ENV in Svelte Dev

Note that in dev mode, sveltekit replaces globalThis.process.env.NODE_ENV with globalThis."development" thus screwing up the dev process. When we esbuild, to prevent sveltekit from doing this, we replace globalThis.process.env.NODE_ENV accordingly.

// package.json

"build:ipfs": "esbuild ... --define:globalThis.process.env.NODE_ENV='\"production\"' ... "

DAG Building

The example usage is using ipfs.dag.put() with dag-pb to mimic what happens by default with ipfs.add()


Many credits go to Gozala's for figuring much of this out.


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  • JavaScript 99.7%
  • Other 0.3%