To remotely install NixOS onto a target system, I use nixos-anywhere.
On the target system:
Boot the NixOS iso
Configure SSH authorized keys to enable SSH into the system
[nixos@nixos:~]$ mkdir .ssh && curl > .ssh/authorized_keys
Note the IP address of the system
On a separate NixOS host:
Pull or
to the directory for this repository -
Enter the dev shell
$ nix develop
Run ssh-to-age to get a pubkey for SOPS
$ ssh-keyscan $TARGET_HOST | ssh-to-age
Update the
file and add a new host to the keys and creation rules -
Update all of the secrets in the repo to include the new key
$ make updatekeys
Run nixos-anywhere to remotely install NixOS on the target system
$ nixos-anywhere --no-reboot --flake '.#neo' [email protected] # Replace with the target system IP from above
On the target system:
Copy the livecd ssh host keys to the persist directory
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/persist/etc/ssh && sudo cp /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519* /mnt/persist/etc/ssh/
I use a Makefile to simplify running of some commands
Make Target:
make nixos
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --verbose --flake ".#hostname"
Make Target:
make home
home-manager switch --flake ".#username@hostname"
nix run home-manager -- switch --flake ".#username@hostname"
Make Target:
make nixos
darwin-rebuild switch --verbose --flake ".#macbook"
nix run darwin-rebuild -- switch --flake ".#macbook"
Some features of my nix-config:
- Structured to allow multiple NixOS configurations, including desktop, laptop
- Declarative config including themes and wallpapers
- Opt-in persistance through impermanence + blank snapshot
- Encrypted btrfs partition
- sops-nix for secrets management
- Custom live media ISO, with an "automated" install script
- Supports vfio for playing games on Windows
: My primary desktop computermorpheus
: Framework 13th gen laptoptrinity
: My spare desktop now used as a K8S servervm
: Qemu VM for testingiso
: Builds custom installer ISO
Type | Program |
OS | NixOS |
Editor | Helix |
Multiplexer | Zellij |
Prompt | Starship |
Launcher | Rofi |
Shell | Fish |
Status Bar | Waybar |
Terminal | Foot |
Window Manager | Hyprland |
Fonts | Monaco |
Colorscheme | Catppuccin Mocha |
- A lot of the configuration and inspiration comes from
- For some additional snowfall/darwin config:
- Originally inspired by