Pronounced like the first bit of 'Ghetto' and the last bit of 'Trello'.
- Bring drag and drop issues between 'stacks' and easy to see and use metaphor
- edit issues, comments etc
- zero config, zero state, zero hosting only conventions and leveraging the Github API
This plugin works by creating some conventions in the tags system for a project and also augmenting the markdown to store things like check lists.
- A 'stack' is a tag with a format like 's1 Todo'
- Any issue with multiple stack tags will be in the 'earliest' stack
- A stack can have a colour (unlike Trello)
- A comment which includes a list can have [ ] and [x] to indicate done items
Because the goal is to have zero state stored in the extension, with all data in Github, this means there are some concepts that don't make sense because github has no way to model it.
- Votes are left out for now (not sure on a convention?)
- Tasks can only be assigned to one person at a time
For now at least these aren't in the plan:
- Live/comet updating - will just have a refresh button or poll (but will probably do a delta ajax call for speed)
Lots of inspirations and libraries and other goodies...
- Trello!
- Github!
- jQuery / jQuery UI
- Bootstrap