Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
Copyright 2011, James Simpson http://goldfirestudios.com
miniTip is an ultra lightweight jQuery plugin that creates highly customizable tooltips without all of the fluff.
- JS + CSS is just 4.5kb minified (1.7kb gzipped)!
- No images
- Automatically stays within viewport
- Automatic support for image maps
- Extremely easy to style
- Use text or HTML from title tag, hidden element, or JS declaration
- Fade in and out
- Set custom delay for show/hide
- Specify default anchor position
- Persistent tooltip that only closes when mouse moves off of tooltip and anchor element
- Support for hover and click events
- Optional title bar
- Tested in: IE7+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 3+, Chrome, Opera 10+
- More features can be found at the miniTip home page
Please go to the miniTip home page to view the full documentation (it is really straightforward, I promise!).
This is the most basic usage. It displays a miniTip on mouseover of the element with ID "tip" and content of the title tag (maximum width of 250px). Mouseout of the "tip" hides the miniTip.
This is a more advanced example utilizing all available options (as of v1.0). The element with ID of "tip" will be activated by click instead of mouseover. It will have a title bar with text "Title Bar" and content defined in the JS call. It will wait .5s before showing and hiding the tooltip, and the fade animation will be .5s both ways. The default anchor position is east (the right side of the anchor element). Auto-hide is set to false, so the tooltip will only hide once your mouse is off of the tooltip and the anchor element. The max width is set to 50px and the offset is 15px, so the tooltip's stem will be 15px from the edge of the anchor element. Finally, an event will fire when the tooltip is shown (alerting "Hello,"), and another will be fired when it is hidden (alerting "World!").
title: 'Title Bar',
content: 'This is a test miniTip!',
delay: 500,
anchor: 'e',
event: 'click',
fadeIn: 500,
fadeOut: 500,
aHide: false,
maxW: '50px',
offset: 15,
show: function(){ alert('Hello,'); },
hide: funciton(){ alert('World!'); }
More examples and live demos can be found at http://goldfirestudios.com/blog/81/miniTip-jQuery-Plugin
- jQuery v1.3+
- Switched to UglifyJS for minified version.
- Fixed issue that added multiple click events to the html element.
- Call the hide custom function on the correct tooltip when multiple miniTips are used on the same page.
- Fix image map compatibility for Firefox and Opera.
- Allow show() callback to access options and element context for dynamically overriding content (Wolfram Arnold).
- Enabled better clickhandling with multiple miniTips (thanks Denis Krienbühl).
- Added a render callback which is called when the element is shown (thanks Denis Krienbühl).
- Changes manual hide function from
$('#id').miniTip({hide: true}); to $ ('#id').miniTip({doHide: true}); to fix compatibility.
- Added function to manually hide tooltip by calling $('#id').miniTip({hide: true});
- A few bug fixes associated with the corners feature in 1.4.0.
- Fixed issue with tooltips going off the screen by adding automated support for anchors on the corners of the tooltips.
- Fixed issue with blank tooltips showing on elements with no content or title specified.
- Fixed mixing of spaces and tabs in miniTip.css.
- Improvement to fix in 1.3.1.
- Click behavior now works correctly when html is used within tooltip.
- Added support for image maps. miniTip will detect and center itself in area.
- maxW option now works as expected.
- Fixed odd behavior when showing new tooltip when previous was still fading out.
- Fixed bug that caused tooltips to randomly hide when long delays were used.
- Fixed a bug that prevented a second tooltip from showing when the previous had aHide = false.
- Cleaned and condensed code.
- Fixed bug that caused multiple tooltips on the same page to all be the same size.
- Automatic repositioning of the tooltip anchor point now works correctly on page scroll.
- Bug fixed that caused odd behavior when the anchor was flush to the right of the screen.
- Correctly declare aTop variable.
- Improved commenting on CSS file.
- Added fix for z-index issues in select cases.
- Initial release.