Linux cheat for Team Fortress 2 made in C.
You can see a full list of features in
We need the 32 bit SDL2 and GLEW libraries for linking the final shared object.
Arch-based distros:
# Enable the [multilib] repository in /etc/pacman.conf, then pacman should pull the 32-bit gcc libraries. (needs further testing)
$ sudo pacman -S lib32-sdl lib32-glew
Debian-based distros:
$ sudo apt install libglew-dev:i386 libsdl2-dev:i386 gcc-multilib
The cheat uses the Cozette Vector font for rendering using ISurface
. You can
install it with with the following command.
Arch-based (AUR):
$ yay -S cozette-ttf # Has to be ttf
Arch-based (Without AUR helper):
$ git clone
$ cd cozette-ttf
$ makepkg -si
Manually (other distros):
$ wget
$ unzip
$ cp -R CozetteFonts /usr/share/fonts/truetype
$ fc-cache
$ git clone
$ cd tf2-cheat
$ make
Uses the gdb debugger for injecting the library.
$ ./
[sudo] password for username:
Enoch loaded!
Note: Some screenshots might be a bit outdated.